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Day One

All of the colors seemed to blend intricately at the moment, mixes of pale blue and light pink as the sun had fully risen by then. Her eyes pierced the clouds traveling through the sky as she felt the grass curve beneath her body. Was this all life was? Laying in an open field with nothing but a few trees for shade. Nothing of importance she was missing? It felt like a day that was merely a figment of her imagination. Life was much more difficult than it needed to be. Driving cross country to lay in a field made the world seem much more simple. The breeze passing by and the soft laughter of children as they ran past their parents were liberating. Vicariously she could live through their nonsense and laugh to herself. Wiggling her toes between the blades of grass she felt the rush of freedom. It was a long time coming. Being on her own was common but followed by the busy town, this was freedom. Yellowstone National Park was encircling her body as if giving her a hug of reassurance. As much as she never wished to say it, reassurance is what she needed. Instead of speaking that need aloud to the empty space, she claimed for herself, she continued to bask in her little victories.

Shaking his hands out by his side, he attempted to flick the nerves from his skin. It didn't help as he stepped another foot forward still feeling the sweat pooling on his palms. It had been ten minutes that he sat on the bench watching her. It was impossible to place what did it, the hair that shined auburn in the early sun. He thought it might be the way she smiled and moved her head side to side as if singing a song in her head. He waited as long as he could, anxiously bouncing his leg while building the courage to say anything. Each step he took made his knees feel as though they would collapse while he continuously wiped his hands on his pants in case he had to shake her hand. If it went sideways, he would get the boys to move the car and pray they wouldn't cross paths again. Taking in a deep breath he halted a few feet from her, noticing her eyes were closed he felt increasingly creepy and rushed to turn around. With his sudden movement his keys jangled alerting her of his presence. Beneath his breath he cursed before turning back to face her. Now that he saw her head on, things had gone awry. Her head lifted slightly off the grass as she leaned on her elbows. He was all talk when it came to women, he knew it as well as the guys. Now his great plan fell in a heap around him as he was rendered speechless and heard his heart beat echo through his ears. 

"Are you going to stand there all day or would you like to lay beside me?" The girl asked cocking her head to the side. She wasn't alarmed by his presence in the slightest. It helped his case that she was a people person and deep down incredibly lonely. Had it been another girl, she would have asked what he was doing, accuse him of stalking her. The way his eyes darted back and forth out of none other than nervous habit, she waited for his reply with a smile. 

"If that's alright with you? Not trying to be a bother," he mumbled letting the words fall out in a puzzling order. The voice that came from her wasn't what he had expected. There was a southern twang too it dripping with a delicate breathy tone. Wishing the chill along his spine spread to his hands, he rocked back and forth on his feet. "It's a public camp site. I can't stop you," the girl chuckled leaning back onto the grass while patting the empty space beside her. 

The boy inched closer then before taking a seat on the ground beside her. Ignoring the rapid rising and falling of his chest he made use of the height advantage he had. Pulling his knees to his chest he sat staring down at her face now. Her studied her then: long angular nose, pale freckled skin gaining slight color from the sun, small ears dotted with piercings, and light pink lips curled into a smile. His own lips twitched upward as his eyes settled on her own. As if he wasn't already entranced by her, the eyes did him in. Wide and full of curiosity were her big hazel eyes mixing the colors of green and amber. They focused so excitedly on the sky that he hoped she might look at him for a second just to see them head on. 

Fandango [Josh Kiszka] Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now