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Day Twenty-Seven

When the rain clouds moved in they gave up camping for the last few days. No one wanted to stay in wet tents for two more days. So they packed it up with Luanne looking out at the park one last time. Josh joined her side wrapping his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder. 

"Want me to drive baby? So you can at least take it all in for a last time?" Josh whispered hearing the girl sigh before kissing his hand. "I can drive, I wont be doing much driving soon so I want to get it out of my system." Luanne was quick to place her camera around his neck smiling brightly at him before heading towards Penny. 

Mickey walked quietly ahead of Jake toward the SUV. When she woke up beside him this morning it became real. She always had the future on her mind and this would do nothing but cause a crack in the foundation of the dream. Where some people feared never being loved, others feared never being successful. Mickey was the second. Jake knew this about her and didn't know what to say, instead he awkwardly let himself out of her tent going to back to his to process what had happened. She was left alone with the confusion of it all. 

"Mick you want to ride up from? Jake is driving." Danny shouted from the trunk jarring the girl from her own thoughts. 

"Uh yeah, thanks." Mickey stepped into the the passenger seat leaving the others staring at her with perplexed stares. 

"She just thanked me. What did you do Jake?" Danny muttered staring concerned as the car door closed.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Get in the damn car Wagner." Jake hurried to the driver's side ready to get far away from here. 

Emmeline and Sam sat in the backseat of Penny. Josh and Luanne were their usual chipper selves. The two in the back were far from it. Sam felt awful, he knew better. Emmie's anxiety was through the roof, to the point where her chest felt heavy and breathing was painful. She couldn't give up her job for him. That much was obvious. Why would he go and fuck it up like this? 

Flying down the highway trying to avoid the rain Luanne gazed into the rearview checking on the two in the back. There was too much space between them with them both looking out their separate windows. Tapping Josh's thigh he turned his head toward her, still singing along to the radio. Nodding her head behind her Josh cocked his head before registering her movements. 

Turning his gaze over his shoulder Josh took in his brother and Em. They looked miserable. Sam was out of order and Josh knew it. That's why he hadn't even thought about asking Luanne. There was no need to make the next few days harder. Looking back toward the red head he merely shrugged his shoulders before relaxing into the seat. 

"Anyone need to go to the bathroom?" Luanne yelled over the music swerving the car toward the exit. 

"No." Josh, Emmeline, and Sam said in unison holding onto the car for dear life as they pulled into the gas station. 

"Well I do, come along Em." Luanne didn't waste any time dragging her friend inside. 

Buying a pack of cigarettes Luanne waited for Emmie to come out of the bathroom. Looking outside she could see Josh scolding the boy. Luanne didn't blame Sam cause she desperately wanted to ask to not leave. Luanne just always decided against it for his benefit. Looking down her shorts she took in her boots looking well worn now. They had gone on a wild adventure this month. 

"Why did you drag me here?" Emmie stated walking back toward Luanne wiping her hands on her shirt. 

"Talk to him. Quit doing that shit you do where you sit angry at the world. I get it, he shouldn't have asked. If you really love him the way you say you do then you will talk to him." Luanne tossed one of the packs of cigarettes to Em before turning and walking back out to the car. Josh was filling the gas tank and Sam was nowhere to be found. 

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