San ~Hidden Sickness~

Start from the beginning

"You're sick Sannie, you're running a fever," he murmured gently. Crap, I wasn't supposed to let anyone know I was sick, I don't really have the option of being sick right now with everything going on.

"I'll be ok," I said with a huff.

"I heard you throwing up San and I can still smell it. Plus your forehead feels as hot as the desert in morocco," he pointed out. Right, I can't exactly hide being sick when he's already seen all that, and, heard, all that. Yeosang sighed and I turned my attention back to him, squeaking slightly when he suddenly wrapped his arms tighter around me and stood up with ease. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly as he flushed the toilet before carrying me out to the loungeroom and placing me down on the couch. The loungeroom lamp was still on so it was still lit up slightly.

"You wait here, I'll be back in a bit but I just need to grab some things," he said. I nodded to him as he left before deflating and cuddling up to the couch. It took a lot of energy to try and look at least a little bit ok in front of Yeosang. He returned a few minutes later with some water, pills and plain crackers.

"Here sanshine, drink some water ok, you need to get some liquids back in you," he said gently. I scrunched up my nose, not liking the idea of making my stomach more full so I might throw up again, not sounding so enticing.

"Please, just a little bit," he asked. I sighed and shuffled forwards a little bit. He held the bottle to my lips and gentle tipped it up. I drunk a few sips before tapping his knee to get him to pull away.

"Now a few crackers, at least two and then you can have the pills," he said. I frowned but nodded, allowing him to feed me two crackers but shaking my head when he offered a third. He gentle helped me swallow the pills before taking the leftovers back to the kitchen. I was feeling drowsy after I swallowed the pills and I was struggling to stay awake. Yeosang hurried back and gently lifted me up bridle style, allowing me to snuggle up in them and slip my eyes closed before he carried me back to my room. He placed me down softly onto the bed and I turned over to cuddle up to Wooyoung, only he wasn't there. I peeled my eyes back open and looked around, realising quickly that I was actually in Woosang's room, on Yeosang's bed.

"I'm sorry. I can take you back to your room if you want, so you can cuddle with Wooyoung," Yeosang said in a small voice. I looked over at him quickly, feeling bad when I saw how crestfallen he looked. His shoulders were slumped slightly and he was looking at the ground, fiddling with his fingers slightly. It didn't take much to know he was feeling unsure and insecure. I remember Wooyoung mentioning once that Yeosang get's anxious and feels useless when he looks after people. He always worried that he'll do the wrong thing, thinking the other's are much better than him so he doesn't usually help us with stuff like this. It means a lot that he's up in the middle of the night looking after me and what I did wasn't very nice. To be honest, I love Yeosang's hugs and I would love a cuddle from him if he'll allow it.

"I want Yeosangie Hyung to cuddle me instead," I said with a pout. I half expected him to cringe but to my surprise, something in his eyes changed and he nodded, his face softening. He turned off his bedside light before slipping under the covers with me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close, cuddling me close. He willingly let me snuggle my head into his neck to feel the coolness on my forehead once again.

Yeosang's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night for some reason, not really knowing what it was. Although it probably has something to do with Wooyoung, that idiot always manages to figure out a new way to wake me up at ungodly hours at night. I swear if he's got music on, I will accidentally hit him over the head with a microphone pole in practice. I groaned and sat up, preparing to yell at him but when I looked over at his bed, it was empty. Oh, right. He's gone to cuddle with San, again. I'm surprised that wasn't my first thought. I laid back down and closed my eyes, preparing to go back to sleep when I heard another weird noise and I quickly shot up again. Do we have a ghost, just crawling around making weird noises in the middle of the night? Wait, what the hell is wrong with me? I don't believe in ghosts, I'm not Mingi. Damn, I'm really not myself right now. Either way, it's something and I should probably go try and figure out what it is. I sighed and got up, ignoring the cold air as I left my room to try and find the sound, hearing it once again coming from the bathroom. I immediately registered what it was and I hurried to the bathroom. I opened the door quickly to find San slumped over the toilet, his face pale and his hair sticking to his forehead. Shit, he's sick. I rushed over to him and placed my hand against his forehead, immediately feeling the heat radiating off it and I knew he had a fever. I glanced over and saw the puke in the toilet and I felt bad, knowing he's probably been throwing up alone for a while. And he would've continued if I wasn't such a light sleeper who also happened to sleep next to the bathroom. That's when it fully set in that oh shit, he's sick and I'm the only one awake to look after him. I'm not great at looking after people, not great at all, it would be a lot better if someone else helped him and he'd probably prefer that. I contemplated maybe waking up Seonghwa but I decided against it. They all need their sleep and I can handle this, I hope. I tried to move my hand away but San instantly whined and clutched to my wrist, moving away from the toilet and closer to me. I fought back a soft coo, instead hugging him softly and pulling him closer to me. He moved closer and nuzzled his face into my neck, letting out a sigh of relief and relaxing. I frowned, not liking just how hot his skin felt against mine. I let him sit for a few seconds before deciding it was a good idea to check on him a bit more. I pulled away slightly and felt bad when he whimpered but I know I need to look after him first. I frowned slightly when San opened his eyes as they looked slightly glazed over.

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