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Jean's POV

"Ladies and gentlemen, I created this peace of beautiful art because I...l...", I can't get the words out. "Oh fuck me!", I sit down on my meeting chair, I check the time on my watch, 1:36 p.m. come on where the fuck are they. The door open, "Hey Jean!", Sasha said walking in. "What's with the long face?", Connie said following behind, "Not happy to see us?", Sasha said sitting down. "No, I'm happy to see you guys it's just that I don't know how to present my next art", I said. "You're lying, it's about the marriage isn't it?", Connie said, "No...", I lied slowly sinking down in my seat. "You're bad at lying", Sasha said, "Okay yes! It is about the marriage, my mom just decided of me marrying a random guy!", I yelled. "Do your mom know his mom?", Sasha asked, "Yes! She said it's an old friend of her and they're also an old neighbour of ours! Like shit I'm going to remember who are they!", I yelled. "Does he have freckles?", Connie asked, "Yes and how do you know?", I asked turning to him. "Does he have brown hair? Is he like super tall? Has a great body?", Sasha started to throw bunch of questions at me. "Yes?", I said, "I think we met him", she said, "Sasha bumped into him just now in the lobby", Connie said. "He look nice, he looks like he can cook a bunch of delicious dishes! And I bet he has a great personality", Sasha said with a big smile. "I don't know but he kinda reminds me of you know who", I said, "Oh yea right him, but how?", Sasha asked. "The way he acts and talk, it's just like him, even when he get nervous!", I said sitting back down at my chair. "We all know your mother, once it's done, it's all done there's no turning back, so just go along with it, but be careful with him", Connie said. "Why?", I asked, "You don't know what he'll do", he said. "You guys want lunch? I'll pay", I said changing the subject. "Yes!! Let's go to the cafe near here!", Sasha said excitedly.

"One chocolate and two strawberry cake, a croissant and a chocolate bread and a black coffee with milk syrup", I said. "Is that all?", the cashier asked, "Yes", I said paying. "Jean over here!", Sasha waved at me excitedly like a child. I sat down and look out the window, there's a big bill board of me and the latest art products. It's embarrassing to look at myself, I look to the other side, it's a movie poster bill board. "To My Dear Historia...", Ymir and Historia Reiss two screen goddess are the main characters in this movie, they are in top 1 big city, Sina city. There's full of actors, singer and many successful and rich people over there, it's also one of the busiest city. "Jean! Your croissant and black coffee have arrived", Sasha said gently tapping on my shoulder. I cut the croissant in half and spread some butter on it, "Oh yea Jean, when's the wedding?", Connie asked. "Next Sunday", I replied, "What? Isn't that a little too fast?", Sasha said eating her cake. "Exactly, I wish my mom just change her mind", I said taking a sip of my coffee. "I wonder what your fiancé thinks about the wedding, does he have any friends to invite over for the wedding?", Connie asked. "Don't call him my fiancé, it sounds weird, I don't even know him, I checked his Twitter account last night, overall I think just two", I said swiping on my phone, I found a pic of him and the two of his friends. "Here", I said showing them the pic, "They seems nice", Sasha said taking away my phone from my hand. She keeps swiping, "Woah he look so beautiful in this one", she said showing the phone to Connie. "Wow the freckles and the eye colour is amazing", Connie said, "Let me see", I said leaning forward. It's him sitting on a straw mat at the beach, the sun light hitting almost all of his face, there's reflection of the sunset in his eyes, it's beautiful... "He look great in this", I said continue eating my croissant. "Did you fall in love with him, just by looking at his pic?", Sasha asked her face appearing a sneaky smile. "Nope", I said stuffing the last bite of croissant in my mouth. "His freckles kinda reminds me of Ymir", Sasha said, "His eyes reminds me more of her", Connie said. "Okay now, I need to head back to my company to find my mom and Mrs Bodt", I said getting up. "I'm going home to get ready, I have a date with Niccolo", Sasha said, "I need to go to the studio for tonight's show, I'll see you guys at the wedding next week", Connie said. I entered the company, many are leaving already, today is Friday night, a lot of people are probably going out to meet up with friends or go to a party. "Jean boy, where were you?", Mom asked while walking up to me. "Sasha and Connie came to have lunch with me", I said. "Well Mrs Bodt and her son are leaving soon, what do you want to eat tonight?", she asked combing my hair to the side. "Omelette?", I asked, "Alright, we should try out the one that is new here", she said.

We arrived at the new restaurant, it's surprisingly crowded. We find a place to sit down, there's a lot of stares and whispering. There's a guy recording me very obvious, I waved at him, "Don't record me please I'm not very comfortable with your actions", I said. "Oh sorry", he apologised and stopped recording right away, thank god he can cooperate with me. "Are you ready to order?", a waiter asked, "I would like an omelette and a glass of lemon tea", I said, "I would like a lasagna and a glass of water", mom said handing her the menu. "I'll be back with your orders in a minute", they said writing something down on a notepad. "So Jean after the wedding, I've already booked a hotel for you two to stay for the night, and next day you're going to a honeymoon for 3 days 2 nights", she said smiling. "And while you're at honeymoon, Mrs Bodt will move in all her son's stuff into your home", she continued. "Mom, why do you want me to marry Marco?", I asked, "Because Mrs Bodt is in need of money but her son don't have a partner yet, she want her son to have a better future and she bumped into me that day-" "Excuse me, here's your lasagna, omelette, glass of lemon tea and water", mom was interrupted by the waiter. "Thank you", I said quietly, "She told me she need help and asked if you and Marco can get marry, when he have an emergency need of money you can help him that's the only choice they have, and I can't just leave her alone and do nothing", she said touching my hand. I move my hand away, "So I'm just an ATM to them, there's no love between our marriage at all", I said picking up utensils and starts to eat. I payed for the bills and went out of the restaurant, "I'm going home now, drive safely", mom said hugging me. "Your car is prepared, young master", the driver said getting off my car, "Thanks", I said getting on the car. I look at the side mirror, mom's reflection slowly become smaller as I drive away. I turn on the radio, "...Secrets I have held in my heart, are harder to hide than I thought, maybe I just wanna be yours, I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours, wanna be yours, wanna be yours, wanna be yours, let me be your 'leccy meter, and I'll never run out......", I hum through the song. I drove into the parking lot, my phone rang, "Hello?" "Hello sir? The new project, they cancel it and change it to around 4 or 5 months later, they got another project with other art company" "Alright thank you, have a good night", I said hanging up. I got out of the car and got to the lift, I press the number 7th, I got in put all of my stuff down and took a shower. I open the fridge, nothing. I grab a slice of bread and start munching it. I wonder if Marco knows how to cook, yea that would be nice, I come home everyday with a plate of delicious dinner on the table waiting for me to eat. I continue munching on my bread and brush my teeth getting ready for bed. I lay down and stare at the ceiling, he's not going to sleep with me right? He can sleep in the guest room, I'll clean it up a bit tomorrow. I reach for my phone, "I won't be in the office tomorrow, send me the pic of the magazine shooting when it's done", I typed and send the message to my secretary. I put away my phone and pull up the blanket, I close my eyes.

I woke up and check the time 9.00a.m., I walk to the bathroom and did my routine. I walk out to the living room, turn on the tv, "On today's news, we all have heard about Jean Kirstein having a fiancé named Marco Bodt, yesterday at noon a reporter spotted him and interviewed him, here is the voice record", it went silent for a moment. "What's your name and age?" "My name is Marco Bodt, I'm 22 years old" "What do you work as?" "I work two jobs, I work at The Ackerman's as a promoter and I also work at The Coffee Bean" "Are the rumours true? The one that is about you and Jean Kirstein the famous artist and also who is famous for his art products getting marry?" "Yes it is true" "Have he been cheating on Mikasa Ackerman, the daughter of the boss of The Ackerman's with you?" "No, this is all a sudden arranged marriage" "How do you feel about the sudden arrange marriage?", there were hesitation at the moment. "I feel like...this is all going to fast, I wish I could slow things down" "Okay and that's it for the recording, Rick what do you think about it? Do you think they will have love in their marriage?" "Well, we don't know yet, it might take time since this is all a sudden arranged marriage and hopefully they will have love in this m-", I turn off the tv. Love in our marriage? He better not be like him, I don't want all of this to happen again. I turn on the tv again, go to YouTube and open a song. "...Hey, woman, let me be your woman, woman, woman, woman...", I take out the vacuum while dancing through he song. I take cloth and rinse it with water, I wipe the table, closet, windows. After done vacuuming and mopping the floor, I prepare myself with some coffee. "Ding!", I got notification from my secretary, I check the photos, not bad. I sat down on the couch, soon enough not long there's going to be stranger living with me and apparently he's my husband.

A/N: Woman was the first song that came in my mind so don't blame me.

A Husband, A Stranger Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang