Chapter Six: Behind the scenes

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(Bewareee, another OOC chapter hopefully. And it might be short.)

Everyone has a role in some part of their grand master plan. Nothing will go wrong with this plan if everyone plays their role correctly.

[you can skip the first half for those who didn't watch the anime. The 2nd day, things are different]

[Classroom of 1-D]
Ayanokouji's POV

"Ayanokouji-Kun. What did you do?" Horikita ask me as I had my chin leaning against my left hand. "I didn't do anything," I answered.

[Three days before the midterms]

I was walking past the tennis court, observing the tennis players. "Sounds great to me! Bring it on!" I stopped to hear some sort of commotion. I turn my head towards the source.

Three males, the middle with shoulder-length magenta and a red hair male in front of them. It was Sudo. "Wow, what era did you step out of with that thug act? So lame." The dark blondish hair male said.

"You are an apathetically ugly creature."

"Say that again!" Both of his henchmen grab his shoulders to prevent Sudo from punching the magenta guy.

Kushida asked me to invite him to her study group, but...

He's already causing a commotion.

"Let me go!" Sudo struggles to fight within his henchmen's grip. "I can't wait to see how many from the class will be expelled after the upcoming test." The magenta guy approaches him. "I bet the first will be..." I continue to watch them from a distance.

"I hope you said your prayers!" Suddenly he lunges at him but a female voice was heard. "Both sides, stop right there!" Oh, it's Ichinose...

"Who the hell are you?! Stay out of this!" He shouts at her.

Her arms were folded with confidence. "As a student of this school, I cannot allow violence to pass under my watch. If you insist on fighting regardless. I'm going to call security."

"Ichinose, this isn't a fight. We're the victims here. This red hair is at fault." The magenta male said.

"Are you sure? It looks like to me that toy goaded him into it. Ryuen-Kun. If you keep this up, I'll have to report this to the school." She said as the guy name Ryuen considers it. He walks away from him. "Hey monkey, I think you'll make a nice plaything." Sudo didn't like that comment.

I approach up to him, walking past Ryuen. "Hey, you!" I look at Sudo as he's letting his emotions go more uncontrolled. I grab his shoulder. "Sudo." He looks at me. Seems like he got back to his senses.

"Listen up. Don't let Ryuen-Kun bait you, okay?" Ichinose said as I remain silent. However, Suto remains hostile. "You shut the hell up."

"Sorry for the scare! It's okay now~!" Ichinose apologies as the tennis players thanked her. She looks back at us. "No more causing trouble for others. Okie, that is all~!" She walks away from us.

"Tch. Damn it!" Suto grabs his bag and I turn around. "Sudo, do you have some time now? Kushida's studying in the-"

"Pass. I've got club." He walks away from me. "Will you be alright though? Ike and Yamauchi are both in on it now." I tried to convince him but he remains stubborn.

"Scrambling at this point won't get me anywhere!" I sigh with disappointment.

Now, onto day two...

[Two days before the midterms]

Separation [Classroom of the elite]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin