Taisho side stories

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"Hey Kyo Since you are on your way to get your measurements again, can you pick up my new uniform remember mine ripped?" I asked Kyojuro with a smile.

"I will!" Kyojuro smiled back as he closed the door behind him.

After a few hours

"I'm back!" Kyojuro shouted as me and Senjuro ran to go and greet him

"Do you have my uniform?" I asked as Kyojuro took off his shoes at the front door.

"Yes, here you go also why are you still in my estate? I was going to deliver the package to you!" He explained with a bright smile handing my uniform that was put into a cloth bag.

"I was just hanging with Senjuro. Do you mind if I try it on here?" I questioned.

"Of course!" He agreed and I went to a separate room to change. When I got the uniform out of its bag I noticed the top had a hole in the middle and missing the pants so I dug deeper in the bag to find it was actually a one piece with short skirt and tight thigh highs.

"They don't actually expect me to wear this to the meetings?" I said turning it over to see a tag that read 'Love Hashira's spare uniform'

"Got dang it they must have seen Kyo and given him Mitsuri's spare and not my uniform!" I stopped for a moment and thought about what I had just said. "If this is her spare... then her non spare uniform looks almost exactly like this...oh hell no." I Say my blood boiling. Mitsuri is a shy, kind, gentle girl that can eat out any man's monthly pay with just one dinner date.

"Kyo, I think they made a mistake with the uniform..." I explain as I get out to show Kyojuro and Senjuro the uniform that I put on.

"(Y-Y/n)! What are you wearing!?" Kyojuro blushes a deep red covering Senjuro's eye's with both hands.

"Can I see the uniform?" Senjuro asks, trying to pry the hands covering his eyes.

"Kyo they gave you Mitsuri's spare uniform!" I explained as I motioned to get his hands off Senjuro's eyes.

"Eh what are you gonna do about it?" Kyo asked, calming his blushing red face.

"Don't worry I have an idea on what I can do with it."

3 pov

"Coo coo Hashira meeting must attend!" (Y/n) pigeon cooed as he landed on Hashira's finger's.

"Alright I'll be right there." (Y/n) said putting away some flowers I bought back from a mission into a vase.

Few minutes later

The Hashira were gathered in the master's home; they sat in a somewhat half circle talking with one another when Mitsuri walked in.

"Good afternoon everybody!" Mitsuri smiled as she greeted her fellow Hashira with smiles.

"Good morning Kanroji," they smiled and greeted her back.

"Oh where is (Y/n)?" She asked, looking around.

"He said he might be a little late because he had just gotten back from a recent mission with me..." Giyu whispered, his gaze lowered to the floor, the other Hashira nodded and waited for the master.

First pov

I fixed my hair as I walked to where the Hashira meeting was taking place. I stopped in front of the sliding doors where I knew my friends would be and re-thought my decisions.

Now's not the time to chicken out, we are in this to help Kanroji and the others to see what's wrong with the uniforms the girls have to wear.

I opened the door and just as I thought all eyes were on me open with shock and some faces red.

"(Y-Y/n)! Is this what your plan was?" Kyojuro asked, slightly red with sweat covering his eyes.

"Pardon me for being late but my uniform ripped and they gave me Mitsuri's spare on accident so this is all I had." (Y/n) said with a smile as he took a seat in between Mitsuri and Rengoku.

"They have you in my spare?! So that means that's mine!" Mitsuri exclaimed surprised and started turning a beet red.

"I have to say (Y/n) you look very flamboyant that I would have taken you as my fourth wife!" Tengen said, smiling a light blush on his cheeks.

"So this is Mitsuri's spare?" Iguro asked as he let his snake slither to my arm blushing under his bandages. The snake digging into my hair.

"Yes I have the tags to prove it." (Y/n) added digging into the open hole in the middle of his chest taking out a small card. Everyone was flushed red looking at him digging into his top getting the card.

"Em I see thank you..." Iguro said embarrassed and red as he took the card from his hand.

"Oh to be that card..." Tengen whispered to Shinobu , giving him a glare.

"Now there must be a reason for you to wear Mitsuri's uniform. The (Y/n) I know probably was given the uniform by accident and said Hell no and decided to prove a point by wearing it." Shinobu explained.

"How did you know?" (Y/n) exclaimed, slapping both his hands down in shock tilting his body forward.

"(Y/n) your skirt is lifting from the back..." Giyu pointed out. (Y/n) quickly sat back down and pulled his skirt down.

"Thanks Giyu, this is harder to move in than I thought. I hope I don't go on any missions anytime soon." (Y/n) complained to his friends.

"Tch you just look silly." Sanemi stated looking away from the others crossing his arms.

"I do look silly but if it can help the female members from having to wear this or worse then I can bare some embarrassment." (Y/n) gave a warm smile as he put a hand on Mitsuri's shoulder. She smiled and nodded.

At the end the master had a good laugh seeing (Y/n) in the uniform and took the words of everyone into concern about the women's demon slayer uniforms. At the end of the day he fired the uniform maker and hired a lovely old lady to make the women's uniform. (Y/n) tried to give the uniform back to Mitsuri but he stretched it out too much so he kept it.

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