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(A few days later (Y/n)'s point of view still)

Training with Mikoto is hell! He makes me train all day or night since the sun never rises. I'm not sure how long I've been here. To be honest It feels like days but it's always night with the same blood moon! The training in question is fighting Mikoto. He's very swift and flexible and when I mean flexible he can bend in ways that it's almost scary! He said he'll need to teach me since it is necessary for using the moon breath.

"Mikoto, how did you die?" I asked with heavy breathing since I was learning to do a split internally screaming in pain. The man who was smoking a pipe and watching me put his pipe away and smiled.

"I was on a mission. It had been long since I had seen my old teacher and I had grown to be an important part of the demon slayer corps. I met him and he saw my fighting and in a rage he gave me a fatal wound. I was able to send a crow about the battle I had fought and lost because I was injured and the sun had risen so I went to the cave and closed my eyes to rest yet when I opened them I was here waiting for the person to pick up the katana and be my successor." He smiled and put his pipe back in his mouth. I felt bad for him. He has been all alone here for so many years it's not fair.

"Mikoto when I die will I come here to help you train our successor?" I asked with sadness in my voice and walked up to the  sitting man.

"(Y/n) don't speak like that you will live to be much older then me. But if you really want to, you can join me here," He smiled and continued "now run up and down the mountain 20 times~" he gave a sly smile and giggled behind his long sleeve.

"Mikoto, I thought we were having a moment, please let me rest! I've been bending in ways I didn't know was possible all day!" I whined and sat crossed legged and armed in the snow.

"Oh but dear (Y/n) don't you wanna see Kyojuro soon you miss him I know you do!" Mikoto teased me, smiling slyly.

I turned a bright red and turned my head in embarrassment "How do you know who Kyo is Mikoto…" I asked getting up from the snow.

"Don't get your panties in a twist. His brother was carrying my katana, poor boy I wish I had a son before I died!" He exclaims with a big smug smile like he did something.

"The only one wearing panties is you Mikoto!" I shouted as I ran out of the house and down the mountain trying to get away from the angry Mikoto who threw his pipe at me but I skillfully dodged it.

(time skip Mikoto's pov)

It's been 2 years since (Y/n) came to be my successor and not a minute goes by that I think about his departure. I didn't expect for me to get so attached to him. I try my best to teach him all I know and help him improve my style to suit him. The world as I remember is dangerous and if the crops are still around we haven't made any progress. I think as I blow the smoke from my pipe out of my nose.

"You shouldn't smoke so much Mikoto" (Y/n) spoke to me with a smile and I couldn't help but feel pride when looking at his progress. He hasn't aged but he's grown an inch. He looks stronger, too bad it won’t affect his outside body too much.

"I'm dead so it won't kill me you know," I smirked  and sent him a smoke hoop he huffed and swatted it away.

"Still I can't help but feel like you are. You aren't anything like my dad yet you remind me of him," he said looking confused as he took off his hat his father had left him and stared at it. 

"Father figure huh you have lost your father at a young age I can't blame you for viewing me like that even though time here is longer it's faster out there you should wake up soon," I said but before he could see my sadness I turned away and went inside.


Short chapter sorry Imma take a while in doing another art work for the next chapter!❤ 774 words!

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