Zenitsu and the boar pt 2

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They walked to the open door and went inside they saw a flickering house and lots of vases on the floor. Zenitsu was crying and asking if we'll protect him yada yada. Tanjiro and (Y/n) stopped for a moment.

"Zenitsu, I hate to put you on the spot, but...  I've got a broken rib and leg from my last battle and (Y/n) has an injured arm and some bruising on his ribcage. We both aren't fully healed so-" Tanjiro was not able to finish when Zenitsu started screaming and his eyes started to bulge from his head.

"What do you mean! Broken bones, injured arm?!?!?!?? Don't go breaking bones on me?!?!??! If You've both gotten injured you guys can't possibly protect me?!?!?!? I'm gonna die?!?!?!?" Zenitsu shouted totally freaking out as he started throwing a tantrum on the floor wiggling like a worm. (Y/n) lifted a brow and Tanjiro tried to tell him to be quiet.

"I say we leave him to be eaten..." (Y/n) whispered to Tanjiro and Tanjiro gently smacked his chest.

"(Y/n)! That's not nice!" Tanjiro whispered back as (Y/n) felt someone coming. He put a hand on his blade when he saw the two little kids coming their way.

"You two shouldn't be here!" Tanjiro shouted as (Y/n) slapped a hand on his forehead.

"Mister, we heard scratching sounds from inside the box!" The boy said as they walked closer to them.

"Even so it pains me that you left it behind! I mean It's more precious to me than my own life!" Tanjiro responded somewhat sadly.

"What about my horse!!!!!!!!!!! And Yes, that box is very special to us, it's something we'd give anything to protect!-" (Y/n) was about to say when everything started to shake. Zenitsu accidentally covered his head bumping into Tanjiro and the girl pushing them into another room on accident as the room's door closed with them inside then changed into something else, a totally different door..

(Y/n) was wide eyed as the hallway changed multiple times. Zenitsu was shaking in horror and shouting he was gonna die as (Y/n) opened the changed Shoji doors hoping to see Tanjiro. He felt fear in his heart for the first time in a long time as he grit his teeth and turned to Zenitsu lifting him up by the collar.

"Shut up for six fucking seconds so I can think! Tanjiro isn't here to stop me from knocking you out anymore so I suggest-!" (Y/n) was stopped as Zenitsu wiggled more in his grip as the hallways changed and (Y/n) tripped on a vase falling backwards into an open shoji door dropping Zenitsu onto the floor as the door closed by itself and the room changed 3 more times.

(Y/n) got up and ran to the door and opened it to see a totally different hallway. (Y/n) was worried about Tanjiro. He closed the door and opened it again trying to see if he would find another room. Nothing happened when he opened it again. He ran into the hallway and down the hallway in the dark before opening another door and seeing a different room. He grit his teeth at not seeing Tanjiro and slammed the door shut angrily and continued to open and close doors and find Tanjiro rapidly when he heard scratches in a room. (Y/n) instantly glared at the slight sound behind him and turned his head rapidly to see a woman with long black hair that covered her face and reached her chest. She had a hunched back and a thin white Kimono and long fingers with even longer sharp nails. She had blood on her kimono and arms.

"Ke ke ke ke ke ke ke Your a boy~ a yummy looking boy." She laughed as she moved towards (Y/n) swaying side to side as she walked towards him.

(Y/n) glared at her and looked at her through his brows and scoffed.

"Move bitch get out of my way. I have shit to do." (Y/n) put a hand on his blade, launching himself forward at rapid speeds.

"Crimson moon breathing Second form: Blooming claret." (Y/n) said as he was face to face with the demon and sliced her head off with one clean slice. The demon tried to move back but was not fast enough. Her head was sliced off instantly and gracefully. Her head rolled to the floor as her body fell to the ground, her hair was cut off and she had a bob cut. Now she looked shocked and started to cry.

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