Zenitsu and the boar pt 1

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As Tanjiro and (Y/n) sat there confused on the horse, a little sparrow flew to them, tired chirping. (Y/n) lifted his hand and it flopped inside of his palm it started flapping and chirping in a rapid manner and Tanjiro seemed to understand him but (Y/n) was confused. Tanjiro gave a face of surprise. His brows were furrowed and his eyes and mouth were wide. The bird was signaling to the crying boy who was still clinging to the poor girl with tears as Tanjiro nodded in understanding.

"I see! Gotcha! We'll do something about it!" Tanjiro nodded in determination as (Y/n) gave him an odd expression.

"Tanjiro, why are you talking to the bird and what are we gonna do?" (Y/n) asked and Tanjiro just pointed at the whining boy.

"We have to help the sparrow with his slayer!" Tanjiro explained and (Y/n) nodded, pulling the reins to move them forward. The sparrow seemed to sparkle with thankfulness and joy.

As they got closer to the boy (Y/n) and Tanjiro got off the horse and (Y/n) pulled him up by the collar lifting him several inches off the floor with his strength and gave off an intimidating aura as he glared up at him Tanjiro looking more harmless next to (Y/n). As the blonde snot nosed teary eyed kid looked at the Hashira before him he was horrified he looked about ready to piss himself.

"What do you think you're doing in the middle of the road! Can't you see she wants nothing to do with you! And don't go making trouble for your sparrow either!!" Tanjiro shouted as he pointed At the blonde snot filled boy.

"Tsk are you really a demon slayer boy?" (Y/n) asked, eyeing him as Tanjiro nodded, agreeing.

"Those uniforms! You're the guys from the final selection!" He said back still teary eyed.

"No one I know is anything like you! I don't know you!" Tanjiro shouted back angrily.

"I would never associate with such a person anyways you got a problem with this young lady." (Y/n) said as he got closer to the blonde boy's face, scaring him more with his intense glare of judgment.

"EHHHH But we met! Remember! We Met before, remember!! You both are the ones with a problem!" He shouted large tears still pouring out of his face like waterfalls. They both took a second and it hit them that they had seen this piss boy before! (Y/n) dropped the blonde boy and walked to the young woman who was a blushing mess when faced with (Y/n) in front of her. Tanjiro smiled happily behind him.

"Now young lady, the matter should be taken care of and forgive his rudeness. I take full responsibility as his superior." (Y/n) said bowing his head and the young woman blushed and waved her hand.

"Oh please don't worry too much! It's okay Um may I have your name Samurai." She giggled and (Y/n) lifted his head and smiled.

"My name's Sasakia. This is my companion Kosuke pleasure to meet you miss. Now, please make it home safely!" He smiled as he pointed at Tanjiro using the fake alias Kosuke. The young lady flushed, nodding her head.

"Yes you should be able to make it home now without any worries!" Tanjiro added, smiling the girl nodded once more thanking them with a bow.

"HEY!!! STAY OUT OF MY WAY! THAT GIRL IS GOING TO MARRY ME! BECAUSE SHE'S IN LOVE WITH ME ALRIGHT-" the blonde boy shouted blue in the face still crying with snot rolling out of his nose in bubbles. The girl was about to slap the blonde boy but (Y/n) pulled her before she could get a hit in.

"When did I ever tell you I loved you! You were crumpled up on the side of the road looking ill, all I did was speak to you!" She shouted back angrily pointing at him as (Y/n) held her back with little effort.

"You mean you didn't reach out to me out of love because you were worried?!?!" He shouted teary eyed, almost shocked to death.

"I already have a fiance, so not on your life! With all that energy you should be fine now!! Right so goodbye!!!" She shouted back angrily as she turned to leave walking away.

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