In the eyes of Shinjuro

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(Training outside 3rd pov)

"Kyojuro look what I learned!" (Y/n) shouted. He wanted to impress kyojuro by showing what Mikoto had taught him. He had stolen back the katana that belonged to Mikoto and was using that instead of a wooden sword. Kyojuro had stopped swinging his sword and turned to look at (Y/n). He was shocked that he was able to get the katana back. The katana gave him a weird vibe. (Y/n) took a deep breath in through his nose and out of his mouth and closed his eyes and opened them and gave a sharp almost piercing look.

“Breath of the crimson moon fifth form: vermillion moon of the callous Tsukuyomi,” He said in a calm stern voice he moved with his blade in quick motions creating multiple curved slices the air surrounding him turned into a red glitter like smoke and above him a red moon glowed. He sliced the wooden dummy to pieces and it fell to the ground with a thump. Kyojuro had never seen such slick cuts and they were curved too. (Y/n)'s (H/c) hair seemed to have fallen back into perfect place as the boy breathed heavily with some sweat going down his (S/c) face. 

"(Y/n) how did you learn to do that! It was amazing!" Kyojuro ran to (Y/n) with a huge smile of amazement and shock. It was short lived due to (Y/n) having a coughing fit.

"While I was asleep I met a man named Mikoto who taught me how to do crimson moon breathing! He was the owner of the katana and the first Crimson Moon Hashira!" (Y/n) explained to Kyojuro after he was done coughing.

"So we'll both become our own Hashira's now!" Kyojuro said loudly with joy and I couldn't help but smile. The thump of an older man's footsteps on the wooden floor was heard behind me.

(Y/n) pov)

"You both will never be good enough for the role of Hashira, it's pointless for you both to try…" Shinjuro stood there holding a giant bottle of Sake he looked like hell. He stared at us with dead eyes, not the caring ones filled with determination. He isn't the man who saved me from that demon, it can't be him.

"Mr. Rengoku, what are you saying? You know I'll become a Hashira just like you to make you proud of me as a way of paying you back!" I gave a heartfelt smile to the man who saved me to the man I owe my life to. He scoffs at me and throws the sake bottle and it shatters on the wooden floor. It shattered like the respect I had for Shinjuro. As I stared at it wide eyed I turned to Kyojuro. He had a stern face. I can't believe I left him alone to deal with this mess…

"Do something with worth and get me more sake!" He shouted in slurred speech as he stumbled a bit before walking back inside.

After that the days went by and Obanai had left the Rengoku estate. Mrs. Rengoku had died… I cried for a long time. It was like losing my mother again. She was very nice to me even on her deathbed. She told me and Kyojuro to take care of people weaker than us, that's why we are strong to protect them. Shinjuro has indulged himself in self pity and sake; He also has stopped teaching Kyojuro the flame breaths but Kyojuro was teaching himself with the former flame breathers records before Shinjuro tore them apart. While he is doing that I will polish my skills. I'll prove to Shinjuro that being a Hashira is not pointless and that I can save people too. I won't let this get me down. Me and Kyojuro will become Hashira's. Our hard work will pay off!

659 words thank you please read again!

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