The demon Tamayo

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"So listen here okay! My point is this okay?! It's not about the money! What I can't forgive is the lack of intent to eat my udon all right!?" the udon maker shouted angrily with insults. (Y/n) was bowing his head up and down rapidly apologizing for their behavior. Tanjiro was very apologetic for doing the same thing.

"Please give us another two bowls!" Tanjiro shouted

"You're gonna eat it!" The shopKeeper shouted back.

"Yes!" They both said at once.

You're definitely gonna eat it!

"Yes!" they both said in unison then (Y/n) added "I'll even pay for the broken bowls!" He whipped out his wallet hidden in his socks and handed the man 190000 yen (1,493 USD). The man's eyes widened and his mouth fell to the floor being given that much money. Tanjiro was also shocked he was at a loss for words he was stammering to speak. The udon man quickly walked back to his stall taking the money before (Y/n) could change his mind.

"(Y/n) where did you get all that money from!" Tanjiro finally managed to get out.

"I'm a hashira. I get paid loads to work!" (Y/n) bragged as Tanjiro was in awe.

"One more thing! The girl shes going to eat udon too so make her take that bamboo thingie off! What is that thing? Anyways grab the chopsticks!" The man shouted making udon like a madman.

"We'll eat her Udon for her! Two bowls of Udon each!" he held four fingers and (Y/n) behind Tanjiro winked and waved more cash in his hands.

"I understand I'll make such good udon that the gods will be jealous!" the man shouted determinedly, making udon faster with the ingredients flying everywhere. When they were served Tanjiro Rapidly slurped up the Udon with chopsticks.

"Hey Tanjiro, look at this." (Y/n) said, grabbing Tanjiros attention, (Y/n) held the bowl to his mouth and slurped the whole thing in seconds! It was there then it was gone! Tanjiro was shocked and so was the udon man as (Y/n) grabbed the second bowl and gulped it down just the same!

"How did you do that!" Tanjiro said, shocked and amazed.

"I had lots of practice! The Love hashira was always hard to beat when it came to eating contests but I always won by an inch!" (Y/n) confidently explained with joy.

"Love Hashira?" Tanjiro questioned as he finished his second bowl.

"Yup she's so nice I hope you meet her one day!" (Y/n) happily said as they both slammed their bowls on the table.

"Thank you for the meal! It was delicious!" they both shouted as they got up to collect their items.

"As long as you both get it it's all good! Thanks for the business!" he shouted with a smile as he watched them both leave. (Y/n) held his arm and hissed slightly but hid it from Tanjiro. He had wrapped his arm that was bitten tightly so the bleeding would stop but he'd be slightly out of commission for at least a few hours while he did recovery breathing.

"We're sorry Nezuko for leaving you behind and running off like that..." Tanjiro explained before bumping into (Y/n)s back.

"Hello boy." (Y/n) said, pulling Tanjiro and Nezuko behind him.

"I'm no boy. I'm older than you, Hashira." The demon with lavender eyes said with a scowl.

"Have you been waiting for us?" Tanjiro asked, peeking out from behind (Y/n).

"Yes, because I was told to bring you to see her." He responded with little emotion.

"I could've tracked her scent." Tanjiro explained.

"You see Tanjiro, I think she's in a place that's under a cloaking spell, am I right boy?" (Y/n) stated making the demon boy irritated.

"It's as the Hashira says there's no way the likes of you could find it." The demon boy explained, still irritated.

"Cloaking?" Tanjiro whispered confusedly.

"Anyways... isn't that woman a demon? And an eyesore to boot. Also the Hashira is to masculine for a woman." He hissed pointing at Nezuko than at (Y/n).

'Eyesore? Eyesore? Masculine... for a woman? Eyesore? Does he mean ugly? Who?' Tanjiro was in deep thought as to who he was talking about.

'Who the fuck is he calling an eyesore! Also! Masculine women are one of the best types of women!!! Is it because my uniform has an open cut in it like Mitsuri's? No it can't be Besides they aren't boobs, they're pecs! It's not my fault my training caused them to grow a little! But more importantly did he call Nezuko ugly?'

Tanjiro turned his head to face Nezuko with shock. Nezuko seemed to be standing there not knowing how to react. While the Hashira was looking at his chest confused. Tanjiro rushed to the demon boy's face and shouted.

"Who in their right mind Would call her an eyesore! Just take a look at her features!" He spun around doing a pose to show off his sister. "She was the beauty of our hometown! Our Nezuko!" He shouted angrily as he insisted on his sister's beauty.

"Listen here you damn kid you don't know what you're talking about I am a man M-A-N. My training causes me to have slightly larger pecs than an average man. But that's besides the point. I might not have lived in Tanjiro's village but Nezuko is one of the most beautiful girls I've seen and trust me I've seen a few!" He shouted at the demon while buttoning up his open uniform.

"Let's go." The demon boy sighed, rolling his eyes and Tanjiro was dragging Nezuko shouting and insisting that Nezuko wasn't an eyesore with (Y/n) as backup.

"Tanjiro, it's the muzzle!" (Y/n) pointed out to Tanjiro.

"Yeah! It's the muzzle right?! It's because of the muzzle that you called her an eyesore!" He grabbed her face "I'd like you to behold Nezuko without the muzzle!" Tanjiro shouted as the demon boy disappeared into the wall, making Tanjiro and Nezuko turn their heads to the wall.

"Hurry it up while no one's around!" He whispered. All three of them followed him and walked in the wall shocked to see a whole house on the other side.

"There's a house behind the dead end!" Tanjiro shouted in shock.

"Get over here! Listen both of you also make sure you don't offend that person in any way!" He scolded.


Taisho secret

When (Y/n) first saw Tamayo she reminded him of his mother that he almost called her mom.

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