Mt. Natagumo

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The next day came and so did the doctor. He cleared everyone healed and Tanjiro was the happiest to continue on with the missions.

We were all in the room as Tanjiro's crow flew. Tanjiro noticed it and opened his hands for it to jump in.

"North north east! North north east! Your next mission is to the North north east! The three of you are to go to Mt. Natagumo! Head to Mt. Natagumo!" Tanjiro's crow said as the trio looked at (Y/n).

"Don't look at me he said you three I'm just a plus one. But Mt. Natagumo isn't very far so don't worry about distance." (Y/n) said and it seemed to calm the trio slightly.

They got dressed and ready in their uniforms and headed for the outside of the estate. There granny was waiting to send us off. (Y/n) had his horse It's reins standing next to him.

"We're heading out now! Thank you for everything!" Tanjiro said as he Zenitsu and (Y/n) bowed to her.

"Thanks Granny I'll come visit you next time I'm in the area okay?" (Y/n) smiled at her and she smiled back as she bowed back.

"Now then, for good luck." She spoke holding a black rock and a wooden block with what looked like metal inside of it.

"Thank you so much!" Tanjiro said happily. As they all turned around minus Inosuke who was confused. She started making sparks with the two things in her hands.

"What do you think you're doing, old had?!" Inosuke shouting raising and arm against granny but (Y/n) and Tanjiro held him back as Zenitsu stood infornt of Granny.

"What are you a moron!!!" Zenitsu shouted.

"Inosuke, she's striking sparks for good luck! It's a purification ceremony!" (Y/n) shouted as he held back Inosuke.

"Yea It's because we're gonna go on a dangerous mission!" Zenitsu added shouting at Inosuke as he protected granny.

After that was resolved.

"Always live your lives with great pride. I wish you luck in battle!" She said smiling as the three bowed to her again minus Inosuke.

(Y/n) got on his horse as they all ran into the forest Inosuke still kept his head turned to Granny for some reason. After a while Inosuke was puzzled.

"Great pride? Luck in battle? What does that mean!" Inosuke said probably thinking out loud.

"Well yeah now that you mention it it's kinda difficult. With Great pride? I guess It means that you know your place and that you behave properly so you're never ashamed of yourself." Tanjiro said. (Y/n) pulled his horse next to them.

"I think live with great pride means being unashamed to be who you are and live life as yourself as much as you can and be satisfied with your accomplishments and never doubt yourself." (Y/n) added as Inosuke somewhat understood that a little bit better.

"Oh that makes a lot of sense (Y/n)! Oh and granny is praying for our safety in battle." Tanjiro said.

"So, what is this "place"? What do you mean, "never ashamed"? Inosuke asked "what exactly does it mean to "behave properly"? Why the hell would that old hag pray for our safety anyways? She has nothing to do with us. Than why?! She has no clue what her own place is, does she!?" Inosuke ranted on as Tanjiro sped up. (Y/n) sighed and took the liberty of explaining things to inosuke... for an hour.

It was dark when they made it to the mountain they were about to go up when Zenitsu stopped them.

"Wait a minute! Would you mind waiting a second!" Zenitsu exclaimed.

"Zenitsu, what's wrong?" Tanjiro asked, confused.

"I'm scared all right!? Now that we're nearing our destination I am so scared!" Zenitsu said as he hugged his knees in fear.

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