Arrow and Tamari demons

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As a seal fell to the ground the girl laughed before saying "You were right Yahaba! This building just materialized out of nowhere!"

"Hm? The handiwork of someone using a blood demon art that can hide objects. Huh what is this? Were tracking down a demon slayer. Is he with demons?" The demon boy said (Y/n) silently drew his blade and checked out who was outside. He didn't want the demons to know he was a Hashira so he hid his aura to make it as if he wasn't even there.

"Isn't this fun!" She laughed, bouncing the balls on the ground.

"I have to say Susamaru Your way of doing things is just so immature, utterly careless. You splattered me! My kimono is completely covered with dust!" The demon with an eye on his hand exclaimed, irritated.

"Oh stop whining! Who cares about dust? My tamari just uncovered their hiding place so now the real fun begins!" She smiled and threw the Tamari balls into the house breaking wooden planks.

"Stop splattering me!" He shouted once more.

"Stop being so uptight! Your kimono looks just fine!" She shouted back and she looked inside to see all of us protecting what's important to us. Everyone was still in shock and stuck in place. (Y/n) looked and analyzed their surroundings and the demons trying to learn and measure them by everything they said or did. How they looked and their personalities. She talked more before launching the balls inside the house where they all stayed.

They bounced and broke everything they touched and (Y/n) was done analyzing their movements. He quickly drew his sword and was about to hit it away but the movement changed mid air and moved away from him to the side. He heard Yushiro shout Tamayo's name and he briefly glanced back as Yushiro's head was destroyed. With this realization (Y/n) analyzed it and took a deep breath and then looked at the ball coming towards him. He put his sword in its sheath and struck it away like a baseball. Tanjiro shouted for Yushiro while Tamayo held his headless body.

Tanjiro gave Nezuko some orders to take the lady in the room behind them away to a safer place. (Y/n) kept on hitting the balls out of the house as they came rushing back in everytime. Tamayo told Nezuko to instead take her to the basement. Tanjiro faced the demon with his sword drawn while (Y/n) kept the balls out of the way and protected Nezuko on her way out.

"This is a bothersome task, they just keep coming back faster and stronger than the last!" (Y/n) shouted as he once more hit the balls in the air out of the house several feet into the air only for it to come back at him like a meteor aiming to strike down the earth. (Y/n) turned to the thinking Tanjiro as the female demon once more summoned the Tamari balls to her. She bounced them one in each hand.

"The demon hunter wearing Hanafuda-like earrings and another slayer with a red beaded feather earring... that's you two isnt it?" She spoke amused and Tanjiro was instantly taken aback. (Y/n) just smiled, also amused and stood beside Tanjiro. Their emotions were opposite and you could tell. One was an experienced slayer and the other was a novice starting out. Their skill difference was enormous but their will to fight was just the same.

"Miss Tamayo find a place to hide! We are the ones they're after!" Tanjiro said and (Y/n) nodded in agreement, not taking his eyes off the demons.

"Taniro, I want you to fight without worrying about us. We'll be fine without your protection. Since we're demons." Tamayo stated sternly but (Y/n) sighed and rolled his eyes in slight annoyance. The ball came rushing towards Tanjiro and he stabbed it right through the middle but it shook and hit him on the head and flew backwards.

"Yushiro! Yushiro!" Tamayo said quietly as Yushiro's head slowly grew back. Tanjiro was freaked out by it but (Y/n) really didn't pay much mind to it.

"Lady Tamayo! Didn't I tell you? That shouldn't get involved with those demon hunters! My blindfold technique is still a work in progress! I know you're well aware of that yourself! I may be able to conceal the presence of buildings and people, their scent, but it's not like I can mask their very existence!" Tamayo sighed as she looked down at his lower half of his face since the upper half was still growing back. "The greater our numbers, the more traces we'll leave, and the greater the odds that Kibutsuji will discover us! Anyone who ruins the time I spend alone with you... I despise such people. I despise them with a passion! It's unforgivable!" she shouted his face totally grown back by now but still thick veins had formed all over his face. (Y/n) side eyed him this whole time and felt somewhat bad about them destroying Tamayo's home.

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