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Paige's POV:

On the bus,I sat next to Layla,that is also when we ran into Zach,he chose to sit next to Will. We smiled and waved at him when he noticed us, "Hi,Layla,Paige!"

Long story short,Zach woke up a few days ago with his powers,I still felt bad for Will because he didn't have his powers. We,as his friends are the only ones who know that he doesn't have his powers.

The bus came to a rather abrupt stop and a student hopped on. The school bus doors closed and Ron Wilson proudly now displays the logos for Sky High on both his shirt and hat.

"Next stop,SKY HIGH!" Out of nowhere,seatbelts appeared over our chests' and all that could be heard was Ron Wilson yelling, "Hang on back there! We are going off-road!" The bus flew over road signs, "Here we go!" Everyone began to scream while I was excited over the fact that this is like a roller coaster ride. With a big smile on my face,my arms and hands in the air,I thought, "I get to go to school like this every day!'

While we were flying, I noticed,like everyone else,a building that is floating in the sky. Ron announces, "There she is! Sky High. Kept afloat by the latest in anti gravitational propulsion. She is in constant motion as a precaution against those who might have nefarious plans. Her location supplied only to a few highly qualified individuals such as myself,Ron Wilson,bus driver." The bus stopped rather abruptly and I almost saw my breakfast.

Ron apologizes, "Word of advice: 'Don't miss the bus because the bus waits for no one. Except for you two,Will Stronghold and Paige Winters! If you two are ever running late,running early or if you two just want to talk...give me a call." He handed us cards. I smiled and nodded at him, I gave him a peace sign as I started to walk off the bus.

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