and I can't sweep you off of your feet

Start from the beginning

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll be right there," J'onn said as Winn walked out. He then looked at Mon who unplugged the battery from the power source. "You still wanna carry on working?"

"There's no point," Mon said as he shoved the battery in J'onn's arms and walked off.


Back in the cell room, Alex approached Purity, who was laying back on the bench while Supergirl and Iris stayed back and watched. "Where is Reign?" Alex asked but got no response. "We have the Kryptonian crystal from your apartment, and we know it's gonna lead to your headquarters. Where is Reign?" But still no response. "You're not so chatty now, are you? That makes sense. Because I'm not your audience. I'm just looking at a bug under glass."

And Iris felt uncomfortable with the comments, not understanding how Supergirl wasn't.

Suddenly, Purity chuckled, sitting up on the bench, looking right at Alex. "To use your own words, you think you're smarter than me, stronger than me. You think I'm powerless to your science," Purity said before she scoffed.

"I see right through you, Alex Danvers. It's a gift I have, to see inside know them," she then stood up from the bench, and looked at Alex dead in the eye. "You want to hurt me because you're hurt. You want me weak, because you're weak. Someone cut something out of you, and you feel the hole every day. A hole that you dug in yourself. And it's not getting any better now, is it?"

"Okay," Supergirl muttered before she and Iris walked up next to Alex, to get her out of the room. "All right, all right. We're done here."

"Where is Reign?" Alex sternly asked.

"Alex," Iris muttered.

"See the rage. That's your loneliness," Purity said.

"Shut your mouth!" Alex yelled.

"Let's go," Iris said, trying to pull Alex away from the cell.

"You had your chance at happiness, and you threw it away," Purity said but Alex just stormed out of the room.


"And now you're just a broken little doll."

"Alex, wait!"

Purity chuckled to herself before she sat back down on the bench while Iris and Supergirl looked at each other. "I'll go," Iris said before she ran after Alex and Supergirl looked back at Purity.

"She was right about you," she said, storming up to the glass. "You're just a thing built to destroy. And I'm gonna make sure you don't hurt anyone else."


Meanwhile, Winn walked into the lab to check on the crystal. "Okay," he muttered but frowned when he saw nothing had changed. "Really, nothing? Come on-" He suddenly looked over in the med bay to see Iris and Alex.

Alex was clearly having some kind of panic attack and Iris was trying to help her calm down. But when Alex yelled at her to back off and ran out, Winn walked into the med bay. "Hey," and Iris looked back at him, seeing she just seemed so stressed. "What happened?"

"Something with Purity, and just," Iris started but took a deep breath, as if trying to calm herself down as well. "I keep trying to help everyone, and be hopeful, but it's just so...consuming-"

"Hey, it's okay," Winn said before he engulfed her in a hug, and she stuffed her face in his shoulder while he rubbed her back comforting.

"I'm just so tired," she whispered, and he knew she meant emotionally tired and not physically.

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now