C: i think its best if we do this project over the internet

E: con, can we talk about what just happened, please

Connit shoved his phone back in his pocket and wiped his tears away with his sleeve and watched how all the cars drive past and how easy it would to be to jump infront of the cars and get hit he held back and stormed into his house ignoring his sister and running into his room avoiding Larry, he slammed his door shut and locked it he could hear Larry shouting at him to unlock his damn door.
He threw his bag on the floor and grabbed his wireless earbuds and laid in bed blasting music, he set up his mac and made a chrome document and sent it to evan
He worked on it till dinner was called and made his way out of his room his knee still stinging.
He sat down and ate the food that was laid down for him
" so Connor, how was spending time with your friend,"
" good, he had so thing on so I couldn't stay for very long,"
" he was probably selling you drugs wasn't he," Larry grumbled
" he wasn't, if you knew evan you would know he isn't like that," Connor seethed back
" you don't talk to your father like this,"
" STEP father, my father died because of CANCER YOU ASSHOLE," Connor shouted not thinking Larry would hit him infront of his mum. He. Was. Wrong
" you brat," Larry gritted his teeth and grabbed connors hoodie
" I AM your father," Larry shouted
"NO YOUR NOT LET ME GO," Connor shouted trying to pull larrys hands off his hoodie
Larry let him go and slapped him " go to your room," Larry spat
Connor turned and stormed into his room he lent
Slammed his door shut and locked, he opened his window and went through his bedside and found a joint he grabbed his lighter and lit it, he took a pew puffs pf the weed and calmed down once he finished he coughed and grabbed his blade he decided to go his arms he pulled his sleeves up and pushed the blade into his arm quickly slicing his arm
After a few cuts he left them bleeding and collapse into bed and fell asleep.
School the next day was slow and Connor stunk of weed which made Zoe disappointed.
Connor took thr beatings from Larry and ignored evan as best as he could.
It was until the bmday Larry found the sketches of evan that Connor had done absent-mindedly.
Connor groaned and walked up to his room
" what is this?" Larry showed Connor his drawings
" I can't explain that, it's for my art project," Connor nervously laughed
Larry grabbed connor and shoved him into his wardrobe framed pictures of connors dad falling off and hitting Connor on the back as he crumpled to the floor he received kicks to the ribs, Larry grabbed connor by the hair and dragged him out of his room just as Cynthia came home
" LARRY," shouted
Larry looked at her " he's a fag, Cynthia, he deserves this pain,"
Zoe opened her door and watched Larry throw Connor up against the wall connor groaned and grabbed into his ribs
" GO BACK INTO YOUR ROOM ZOE," Larry shouted
Connor turned his head and saw zoe " do what he says," connor whispered
Zoe nodded and shut her door and locking it. She heard grunts and a loud bang on her door " fuck," she heard connor groan and he slipped his phone under her door, she grabbed as if she knew what connor ment
Larry had a hold on connor and slowly pushed him to the stairs.
" Larry please," Cynthia begged
" he's a sinner, darling," Larry looked to his wife and threw Connor down the stairs
Connor tumbled down the stairs and slammed his face into the edge of the stairs causing a deep gash to appear across his lip and his leg cracked behind him Connor let out a loud scream of pain and finally he landed on his chest he looked back at his leg which was bent in a awkward direction he heard footsteps and looked up to his mum " please mum stop him, it hurts," Connor cried his voice was destroyed from screaming
Cynthia rushed to look fir her phone when connir was grabbed again
"NO, NO," connor shouted as Larry turned his body Larry punched him in the nose which made connors eye water more
He then ran his fingers through connirs hair and gripped it tight
" LARY PLEASE STOP," connor cried larrying lifted connors head connir tried fighting Larry but it didn't work connors head was slammed onto the wooden flooring Zoe slipped open her door and saw Larry holding Connor down slamming his head into the wooden flooring while Cynthia is franticly talking on the phone
When Connor let go of Larry and gave up fighting thats when Larry started choking him. Zoe was panicking she rushed down the stairs and grabbed zip ties from the kitchen
"Zoe what are you doing," Cynthia whispered obviously on the phone with 911
" fucking saving Connor, cause they aren't going to make it in time," Zoe harshly whispered
She pulled a pipe put from the sink and stuck up to Larry
" hey Larry," she said
He turned to her and she swung there toppled off of connor who didn't move she quickly zipped tied Larry up and gently touched connors face
"Connor, Evans on his way. i called him," she whispered
" is he- id he breathing?" Cynthia asked falling next to her daughter
Zoe put a hand under connors nose and nodded " ZOE YOU BITCH, YOUR GOING TO HELL, YOUR SAVING YOUR SIN OF A BROTHER,"
There was loud banging at the door Zoe stood up and opened it
" is he okay, what happened?"
" calm down, he's breathing,"
Zoe let evan in and he instantly ran to connors side
" I'm sorry but who are you?" Cynthia asked .
" Connors crush," Zoe answered
Evan placed his hands on connors cheek
" your okay, I'm here now, your safe now,"
Connor eyes slipped open
"E-evan," he whispered
" yeah, its me,"
Connor moved his hand and gently grabbed onto Evans arm,
" it hurts so much, please make it stop hurting," Connor begged
" I promise I will okay," evan kissed connors head thats when 3 things happened all at once
Connor blacked out, he stopped breathing and the ambulance arrived.
They rushed into the house they started compressions and pushed everyone out of the way then the police showed up and took Larry away
Evan didn't know ehatbwas happening he was packing his breathing was frantic
" I've got a pulse, let get him out of here,"
Evan didn't hear this he was tok deep on his panic attack
"Evan, evan," Zoe shouted
" he's dead isn't he?" Evan whispered picking at his cast
" no he alive, he's being rushed to the hospital, do you need a drive, I'm guessing you ran here?"
"Yeah I did,"
"Alright, come on,"
The drive was silent they arrived and soon as they park there car
" what happened on that day Connor went over,"
"H-he called me cute and then freaked put saying that he was disgusting and he rushed out,"
"Oh, Larry was always shouting that being gay is a sin, but deep down Connor knows its not,"
Evan nodded and they made there was to the reception
" evan, what are you doing here,"
" were here to see Connor murphy, my mum was here," Zoe butted in
" okay he's in surgery right now but you can wait in the patient room,"
" yeah I know where it is," evan whispered and started walking they found Cynthia
"Mum," Zoe whispered and ran to her and hugged her
" he's got a brain bleed, there fixing his leg aswell," Cynthia snuffled " how long had this been going on,"
" I found out three weeks ago, but I think for years,"
" oh my God,"
They sat around for hours untill a woman walked in " Mrs murphy i have news,"
Cynthia nodded ." Connor is," she took. Breathe Cynthia assumed the worse and clasped her hand over her mouth
" he's okay, we've stopped the internale bleeding his leg was broken as you know, he's very traumatised, he can't speak very well his vocal cords are severely damaged, he's still asleep from the meds, follow me,"
They followed the nurse and turned a corner to room 420
Evan looked at connor he was pale, his leg was encapsulated in a cast like Evans arm
He had bandages around his wrists he had tape on his lip. Evan sat down and held into connors hand
" Connor i think your cute too," evan whispered " so cute and sweet and nice, you didn't deserve this,"
Connor let out a groan and slowly opened his eyes.
Everything hurt to Connor even his hair
" what happened?" He whispered he regretted it almost instantly his throat stinging
" Larry attacked you, he's not going to hurt you anymore," Cynthia whispered
Connor nodded
Evan had tears in his eyes " you know Connor I think you cute too,"
Connir blushed and looked away
"really?" Connor croaked
Connor smiled " kiss me," he whispered
Evans face burst into flames
" really?"
" yeah,"
Evan slowly lent in and kissed him
Connor moved his hand to the back of Evans neck there lips moved together
They pulled back from each other
" how are you feeling?" Evans asked
" pain," connir.respinded trying to push himself into a seated position evan helped him and sat down ." Connor baby I'm so sorry I never noticed, why, why didn't you tell me,"
Connor responded very quietly " you wouldn't believe me,"
Cynthia rose silently " I'm sorry, zoe we need to go, connor needs his rest, I'll be back tomorrow morning,"
Connor nodded
" ev are you gonna?"
" no my mum works in this wing, she'll take me home, ifthatsokaywithyouimean,"
Connir smiled
" yeah that's fine i kinda want company,"
Evan nodded
" ill let you sleep cause I know you throat is killing you to talk, it's not like I don't want to to talk but, I want you to get better and talking as much as you have is not the best,"
Connor smiled and nodded he laid back down and shut his eyes, he didn't realise how tired he was untill then.
Evan was watching Connor sleep he looked peacefull and cute his hair was spread out around his pillow
" Connor murphy- oh evan honey," his mum walked in to check Connor vitals
" mum hi,"
" what happened to him? Was it his father?"
Evan nodded " he really was hurt there was blood everywhere,"
" and how do.you know this?" Heidi asked
" Zoe called me begging me to help connor he stopped breathing, I never felt so much sadness before,"
" he's okay now," heidi whispered
" yeah he was up and kissing me," evan slipped up
" I'm sorry kissing?"
" yeah were kinda together," evan fidgeted
Heidi smiled " I knew it,"
Connor spent most of hospital sleeping, texting evan and watching TV. Once he was out he was back to laying in his bed reading books he started a series that Zoe had recommended which was heartstopper and in all honesty Connor loved it, he finished the series in two days. He was laying in his bed one night and was cuddled up next to evan his casted leg laying straight while the other was wrapped around evan.
" is it too early to say i love you?" He asked running his fingers over Evans fringe, evan looked up at him a blushing mess
" I don't think it is?"
" well I love you evan hansen,"
" i-i love you too Connor murphy,"
Connor smiled and kissed Evans nose
" I love you more," Connor whispered
" nooo I love you more," evan replied
"Prove it," Connor replied smirking
Evan blushed
" I'm kidding angel I love you,"
" okay, I love you more,"
Connor was about to protest and evan shut him up with a kiss.
" fine, you win, this round,"

Treebros (Connor murphy x Evan Hansen) one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now