Chapter 133: The Coven

Start from the beginning

"So what am I supposed to do?" My mother asked. "Produce another offspring?"

Ceris facepalmed. "For the love of Ender Dragon, no," she said. "I have a proposal to make."

My mother looked a tad more interested now, clearly listening.

"I want to take Stella to the Coven," Ceris explained. "While she's at the Coven, her magic will get stronger. When she is ready, she'll come back home to you." 

Mother's eyes narrowed. "How long will it take?" She asked.

"Six years maybe," the other woman replied.

"SIX YEARS?!" My mother screamed. "I AM NOT WAITING THAT LONG!"

Ceris looked like she wanted to strangle my mom. "I'll pay you," she said, seething as she took out a small bag.

Mother opened the bag to reveal shiny gems and I could see her dollar signs replace her eyes.

"Take her," she said. "And make sure she's perfected her magic."

Ceris just glared at mother, who hadn't taken her eyes off the priceless gems.

"Come along," Ceris said, in a much warmer tone of voice.

Quickly grabbing my favorite magic book, I followed the older woman, still bewildered.

"What's your name little one?" She asked.

"Stella," I replied.

"Nice to meet you Stella," she said. "My name is Ceris and I want you to listen to me. Your mother is a bad person, and I have spent years trying to get you out of her clutches. That's why I'm sending you to the Coven. You'll be raised there properly, and you'll have other young wizards and witches to play with. And no matter what, I'll make sure that Nebula will never find you again."

I nodded, wondering if my father was living at the Coven.

When I asked Ceris this however, she didn't reply.

She just gave me a sad smile.

Victor Summery's POV

We were waiting patiently for Mr. Redwood to start.

Well, some of us were. More than others.

"Come on Teach! Hurry up!" My best friend, Lief Moonfall, said.

"Lief!" I said. "Do you want to dust the library again?"

That made him shut up, but he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Your friend is correct, Lief," Mr. Redwood said. "If you continue to misbehave, we might have to be a little more harsh on you."

Lief rolled his eyes. "Yes mister," he said, mockingly and Mr. Redwood narrowed his eyes at him.

"In case you were wondering why I'm so late," Mr. Redwood said. "It's because somebody has arrived at the Coven."

"Wait, who is it?" I asked.

"Well, she's supposed to be joining us." Our teacher said.

A young girl with purple hair, a black dress and a witches hat walked towards us, her blue eyes darting from the left to the right.

"Hey girl!" Lief called out, causing her to jump, however, she quickly recovered.

"Everyone this is Stella," Mr. Redwood said. "Hopefully, she'll behave more than some of you." He cast a hard stern look at Lief, who managed to look dramatically offended .

"Nice to meet you everyone!" She said, smiling. "Let's get along, shall we?"

"Huh," Lief said to me. "I like this girl already."

Time Skip: Six Years Later

Stella's POV

I had just turned fourteen years old, and just as Ceris promised me, she made sure Nebula didn't come after me.

The conversation went something like this.

Ceris: Nebula, your daughter still needs training so you'll have to wait or I will decapitate you and stick your head against the wall and laugh at it everyday.

Nebula: FUCK

Yeah, I also decided to stop calling Nebula "mom".

The good news is that I'm having a great time at the Coven and even struck a friendship with Lief Moonfall and Victor Summery.

Each of us specialized in a different kind of magic. I was skilled more in Arcane magic, while Victor was skilled in potions.

And Lief... used his magic to perform magic tricks like a magician.

I don't even know what Lief's magic abilities are, because he never told us.

"So," Victor said. "How's the portal going?"

I groaned. "No process," I replied.

"Maybe you should call it quits," Victor said. "You've been at it for six years by now."

"No!" I snapped, before calming down, "I mean... no. I'm not quitting until I'm able to summon a fully working portal, even if it's the last thing I do!"

Lief snorted. "If you keep that attitude up, there's going to be a prophecy about how you're going to destroy every single dimension." He joked.

There was a moment of silence before we all started laughing. 

Not because we thought it was funny, in fact the idea of all the universes being destroyed was terrifying.

But at the same time, the idea was just so bizzare.

I mean... a prophecy about me being the destroyer of all dimensions?! How ridiculous is that?

Next Chapter: How Stella met Tsuki and Azrael

Embers of Eternity (Book 8 of the Keyblade Legends Rainimator Fanfic Series)Where stories live. Discover now