The rise of Darkrai Pt1

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As the group of 5 are walking down a route, something weird happens, it was sunny one moment, than turned to night in a second. "What the hell?" Shae asks. "I have no clue." Devon says. "Maybe we should camp for the night?" McKenna asks and suggests. "I mean, the next town is a far way off, I don't see any problems with it." Victor says. "Somethings strange about this though." Dmitri says, everyone except Dmitri go and fall asleep.

As Dmitri looks around as everyone is asleep, he takes note of everyone shaking, looking like their having nightmares. "Huh, I wonder." Dmitri says. Tyranitar pops out of its pokeball and looks at a forest. "You see something?" Dmitri asks his newly caught Pokémon. Tyranitar ignores him and launches a dark pulse out of its mouth. The blast hits the forest, and what comes out of the forest, is the mythical Pokémon darkrai. "Darkrai..." Dmitri says staring. "Not just a mythical, but the nightmare Pokémon, anyone that falls asleep near it, will have nightmares. It's a very dangerous Pokémon." Dmitri says as he backs up, however instead of attacking, darkrai leaves.

In the morning, the group wakes up, some a bit shaken. "Anyone else have a bad sleep?" McKenna asks. Shae, Victor, and Devon nod. Dmitri is nowhere to be found. "Where's Dmitri?" Devon asks. "What, I have no idea." Victor says. Shae and McKenna also don't know. "Let's go find him." Victor says. "You're insane right? We're somewhere not on the map." Devon says. "Making sure a friend is ok, is better." Victor says as he runs off. Shae follows him. McKenna shrugs and joins them. Devon follows them in the end.

As the group is searching, they come across a friend. "JAY!" Victor yells waving, as the 4 walk over, they notice Jay with someone. "Hey Jay, who's that?" Devon asks. "Oh hey? My childhood Marnie." Jay says. "Hey." Marnie says. "Anyway, we're looking for Dmitri, any idea where he went?" Victor asks. "Down that way to the lake. He was riding a nidoking." Jay says. "Wait, he had a nidorino last we saw." Shae says. "Must've gotten a moonstone." McKenna says.

The 4 follow the broken trees down to the lake with Jay and marnie following them. When they arrive at the lake, Dmitri is there with his ivysaur, along with a Pokemon. "Ivysaur sludge bomb!" Dmitri yells as ivysaur uses sludge bomb. The pokemon dodges and uses dark pulse, ivysaur takes the attack and uses vine while grabbing onto the Pokémon launching itself into the Pokémon's face and kicking it backwards. The Pokémon uses psychic to throw ivysaur and cause serious damage. As ivysaur gets up, it starts to glow. "Ivysaur, it's happening?" Dmitri asks looking at his Pokémon. Ivysaur evolves into a Venusaur and uses solar beam charging the attack and firing at the Pokémon.

"DMITRI!" Victor yells. Dmitri looks at his friends. "Guys, get out of here!" Dmitri yells. Victor doesn't and sends out monferno. "MACH PUNCH!" Victor yells as monferno attacks with great speed at the Pokémon. The Pokémon uses dark void on monferno causing him to fall asleep. "Monferno!" Victor yells trying to wake up his Pokémon, instead, monferno looks like he's having a nightmare. "I told you to get away." Dmitri says. "We aren't leaving you, you're our friend." Shae says grabbing her pokeball and sending out her far fetched. "That, doesn't seem like a good Pokémon to use against a mythical." Devon say. "You'll see." Shae says. Farfetched uses fury cutter on the Pokémon. The Pokémon sends farfetched flying backwards with a dark pulse. "Enough games." Jay says walking up. "You mean?" Marnie asks. Jay nods and sends out a pangoro. "Pangoro, drain punch!" Jay says as pangoro runs into the Pokémon with full force. The Pokémon staggers backwards.

The Pokémon looks at the two standing, pangoro and Venusaur. Pangoro uses bullet punch and Venusaur uses vine whip. The Pokémon sends them both back with a single dark pulse and flies away. "DAMNIT!" Dmitri yells punching the ground. "Dmitri, what's wrong?" Victor asks. "That Pokémon, is darkrai." Dmitri says. "And it's why my sister isn't here." Dmitri adds.

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