Tag battle round 1

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As the three sign up for the tag battle tournament, Victor and Devon see familiar faces. "Midnight, Luca, Sarah, it's been awhile." Victor says. "Hey guys." Sarah says. Lucas and Midnight wave. Dmitri looks over. "So you know these three, I mean, I know Midnight." Dmitri says. "Wait how?" Devon asks. "Her older brother is one of my best friends." Dmitri says. "Oh nice." Victor says. "Yeah, what brings you three out here?" Dmitri asks. "You know, the usual." Lucas says. "Still vague as ever huh?" Sarah asks. "I mean, we're here for the tag battle tournament." Midnight says. "Same here." Victor says. "Cool, maybe we'll be one of your teammates." Sarah says. "Maybe we will, maybe we won't." Dmitri says. As everyone is signing up, Victor out the corner of his eye, sees Sylvester.

"Hey Sylvester, we need to talk." Victor says. "About what?" Sylvester asks. "The way you treat your riolu, I don't think it helps the little guy." Victor says. Sylvester stays silent and gets up. "Listen, I'm only doing this to get my Pokémon stronger, they would appreciate the training." Sylvester says. McKenna and Rachel look over. "Hey mr, I don't know what you're saying but you don't make any sense at all." Rachel says. "Shut up kid." Sylvester says. Midnight walks over. "Yeah, you didn't just say that to my little sister did you?" Midnight asks. "You shouldn't have done that man." Lucas says. "Fine, one on one Pokémon battle." Sylvester says. "That's how we settle arguments." He adds. Midnight sighs and nods.

McKenna volunteers to be the referee. Sylvester sends out his Blastoise, Midnight sends out her strongest Pokémon, a Houndoom. "What is she doing? A fire type is weak to water types." Devon says. Lucas looks at him. "You'd do good, to not underestimate Midnight in battle, trust me, she's the strongest of our trio." Lucas says. Blastoise starts the battle with scald as Houndoom counters using smog to conceal itself. Than Blastoise uses a powerful aura sphere attack which Houndoom blocks with flamethrower. "Now Houndoom, think it's time to kick this up a notch." Midnight says as she pulls out a sphere object. "Wait is that?" McKenna asks. "Yep." Sarah says as Midnight mega evolves her Houndoom. "Two can play that game." Sylvester says as he mega evolves his Blastoise. Houndoom uses a powerful dark pulse attack as Blastoise counters with ice beam. As the battle heats up, Victor let's his entire team watch, and Saitama wants to get into the action but Victor tells him to just watch. The battle keeps heating up as Blastoise unleashes it's most powerful attack, hydro cannon, which sends Houndoom flying back. "Houndoom, you ok buddy?" Midnight asks her partner to which he gets up ready for more, not wanting to let his trainer down. Houndoom than unleashes his most powerful attack, inferno. Once it hits Blastoise it causes Blastoise to be burned, and after a few more turns, Blastoise faints. "That's my girl." Lucas says. Midnight pets Houndoom on the head. "You were amazing as always partner." She says to Houndoom before returning him to his pokeball. Sylvester does the same thing with his Blastoise and looks at Midnight. "Guess there are other trainers that are strong, stronger than I anticipated that is." He says.

The next day, Victor, Lucas, Sarah, Dmitri, Midnight, and Devon are all gathered to learn the teams in the tag battle tournament. The partners are Midnight and Lucas. Sarah and Dmitri. Devon and another trainer named Ashley. Victor however, his partner is the last person he expected, that being Sylvester. "So Sylvester, guess we're partners." Victor says. "Don't hold me back." Sylvester says. Victor sighs. Soon enough the rounds begin.

Everyone gets through their rounds smoothly, and eventually it's up to Devon and Ashley fighting two trainers with a vaporeon and a magmar. Devon sends out willow. Ashley sends out a quagsire. "Ok, let's do this and maybe, we won't get swept." Devon says to Ashley. "Leave magmar to me and quagsire, you handle vaporeon." Ashley says. "Sounds like a good plan." Devon says as willow uses razor leaf against vaporeon. Magmar uses fire punch against willow but quagsire blocks willow with protect getting in front than firing a hydro pump. Quagsire and willow look at each other and nod. Vaporeon fires a hydro pump but quagsire blocks the attack with water absorb. Willow finishes the vaporeon with a solar beam and quagsire finishes the magmar with bulldoze. "Oh yeah we did it!" Ashley yells. "Don't get cocky kid." Devon says.

The last battle of the day is Sylvester and Victor against two trainers named Monty and Beatrice. Monty sends out rhydon and Beatrice sends out metagross. Sylvester sends out riolu and Victor sends out Saitama. Riolu starts the battle with metal claw attacking rhydon, but metagross blocks with a bullet punch, Saitama uses dynamic punch on metagross sending it back. "Stop getting in my way." Sylvester says. "We're a team." Victor says back.

Over in the stands, everyone is watching. "Those two don't get along do they?" Ashley asks. "No, they're rivals." Devon says. "Yeah, I wouldn't be able to work well with someone I compete with all the time, but, you think they'd come to some middle ground right?" Ashley asks. "Nope, they've never worked together before this." Dmitri says. "Say, where's Rachel and McKenna?" Devon asks. "They're out practicing for the contest." Midnight says. "Good to know they're following their dreams." Sarah says. "Yeah." Lucas says.

Over at the battle, Victor and Sylvester knocked out the metagross. "Ok Saitama, use ice punch." Victor says to Saitama, howeve, Sylvester tells riolu to use force palm, on Saitama. "What the hell was that for?" Victor asks Sylvester in a rage. "You and your team need to stay out of my way, I'll do this my way." Sylvester says. "We're supposed to work as a team!" Victor yells. "Who says I play by the rules?" Sylvester asks as riolu takes out rhydon.

Over at hearthome hotel, the group run into Xavier, the gym leaders student. "Hey Xavier, you're the acting gym leader right?" Victor asks. "Yeah what about it?" He asks. "I wanted to know if we could have a proper gym battle." Victor asks. "Look, I would say yes, but I'm not at that skill level yet, I'm only the acting leader, because fantina is out." Xavier says. "Still, I think you'll make a good gym leader." Victor says. "Thanks, I'm trying my best." Xavier says. Victor and Devon go meet up with McKenna. "So how's the practice with your rival?" Devon asks. "Pretty good, heh, Rachel thinks I have a good chance to get a ribbon first try." McKenna says. "Than go for it." Victor says. McKenna nods. "Anyway guys, we might want to prepare for tomorrow." Devon says. "Yeah, I'm going to have a talk with Sylvester." Victor says as he goes to talk with Sylvester.

"Blastoise scald, dragonair dragon pulse, Vulpix flamethrower." Sylvester says as they all attack riolu. Victor sees this and blocks the attack with his body. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Victor asks. "Riolu wants this, to get tougher." Sylvester says. Victor looks at riolu who nods. "Still, this isn't the way to get stronger, you do it, as a team." Victor says. Blastoise fires a scald at Victor but, Goku and Naruto come out of their pokeballs and Goku blocks the attack. "You ok partner?" Victor says running over to goku. Goku gives Victor a thumbs up before falling over. Naruto looks at Goku and tries to help him up. As Victor tries helping, Saitama and jr come out as well to give some assistance. Jr looks at Blastoise and uses Thunder shock against him. Blastoise shoved him over with his foot. Victor gets the rest of his team to help him take Goku to the nearest Pokémon center. Riolu also tries to help.

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