New friends, new discoveries

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The trio walks around eterna forest and come across a mossy rock. Immediately willow comes out of his pokeball and touches it, evolving into a leafeon. "Nice, grass type." Devon says and pets willow. "Sweet, hey what do you guys say about a training session?" Victor asks. "Well the two of us are definitely going to fight the eterna gym, so I say yes." Devon says. "I'll sit this one out, the gym challenge while nice, doesn't interest me as much anymore. I think I'll take a look at the contests like James suggests." McKenna says.

Victor sends out goku. "Time to go apeshit." Victor says. Devon sends out maeda. The two Pokémon battle it out and somehow, goku wins because he learned Thunder punch thanks to that training prior with Sarah and her passimian. Next they each send out cloudy and Saitama, once again Saitama doesn't listen and gets knocked out due to this, though Saitama does land a brick break against victors head as usual. "Ow." Victor says. "Saitama really doesn't like you." Devon says. "We're working on it, right Saitama?" Victor asks his Pokémon only for Saitama to throw a kakuna at Victor. "Wait, kakuna?" McKenna asks. "Yeah what about it?" Victor says. "Beedrill are nearby!" McKenna yells panicked. The three start running away when a group of beedrill start chasing them. McKenna looks behind and sends wingnut out. "What are you doing?" Victor asks. "Trying to catch a beedrill." McKenna says as wingnut uses wing attack against one of the beedrills and it attacks back with poison sting. Wingnut keeps using wingattack and McKenna throws a pokeball catching the beedrill. "Fourth Pokémon nice." McKenna says looking at the pokeball. "I'm not giving this beedrill a nickname either." McKenna says. "Why's that?" Devon asks. "Well it'd be weird to give the Pokémon that almost killed us a name you know." McKenna says. "Yeah fair." Devon says.

As the group carries on, they see an injured pichu. "Oh my god." Victor say grabbing the pichu. "Is it hurt badly?" McKenna asks. "We have to go to a Pokémon center now!" Victor says as he rushes out of the forest to eterna city, McKenna and Devon following behind him. Victor runs into the Pokémon center. "We need a doctor!" Victor yells. A trainer looks over. "Hey, can you shut up." The trainer says. "Who are you?" Victor asks. "My names Dmitri." The trainer says. "Oh so you're another gym challenger?" Victor asks. "I guess you could say that, I travel with a friend, well her little sister but whatever." Dmitri says. "Wait, someone's little sister?" Victor asks. "Yeah, my friend Midnights little sister Rachel." Dmitri says. "As for your nurse problem hey nurse joy." Dmitri says. "Yes something up?" She asks. "Yeah this pichu is hurt." Victor says. "Got it." Nurse joy says as she Takes pichu back to heal while Victor goes out talking with Dmitri.

When they walk outside McKenna is having a conversation with a girl Victor and Devon aren't familiar with. "Hey Rachel." Dmitri says. "Hey Dmitri." Rachel says walking over to him. "I'm excited to get my first contest going." Rachel says. "So you're doing contests?" McKenna asks. "Yep, with my partner Pokemon, there's an appeal round and than a battle round." Rachel says. "AWESOME!" McKenna says. "If you want to join you can." Rachel says. "I'll have to watch, I haven't really practiced." McKenna says. "That's understandable." Rachel says. "I'm going to go and practice my moves with my combinations now." Rachel says. "Is it ok if I watch?" McKenna asks. "Of course." Rachel says

The two girls go off to talk about contests while Victor looks worried. "You're still about the pichu aren't you?" Devon asks. "Yeah." Victor says. "Would a battle help ease your mind?" Dmitri asks. "HELL YEAH!" Victor says as he readies a pokeball. Victor sends out Naruto. Dmitri sends out a nidorino. "Let's do this buddy." Dmitri says. Naruto starts with an aerial ace but nidorino counters with a horn attack. "Nidorino use poison jab." Dmitri says and nidorino uses poison jab on Naruto. Naruto fires back with a steel wing attack knocking out nidorino. "Oh yeah Naruto you did it!" Victor says cheering for his Pokémon. "Really good man, keep training and I think you could be a good trainer, maybe even the next champion of sinnoh." Dmitri said

"You really think I can?" Victor says. "Yeah I definitely do, I mean if your staravia is this strong." Dmitri says. "I definitely got work to do but thanks." Victor says laughing. "Yeah you got some work to do with Saitama." Devon says. "Disobedience huh?" Dmitri asks. "Yeah, his machop won't listen to him at all." Devon says. "I think I might be able to help with that, you see, I have a fighting type that might be able to help, that's if you're staying for awhile, I'm staying here to watch Rachel's contest since I already got my badge and her contest is coming up soon." Dmitri says. "Yeah we'll be here awhile." Devon says. While those two are talking, Victor goes back into the Pokémon center.

Victor sees the pichu and smiles, the pichu jumps into victors arms, and nuzzles him. "Is this pichu yours?" Nurse joy asks. "No, it's a wild one my friends and I found in eterna forest." Victor says. "Well it sure looks like it like you." She says. "Pichu, would you like to come with me on the journey?" Victor asks it. The pichu nods and touches the pokeball smiling becoming his Pokémon.

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