The solaceon incident

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The group of four keep traveling, along the way, McKenna catches an eevee and victors egg hatches, into a hisuian zorua. "Dude, that, that type of zorua was thought to have gone extinct!" Dmitri says. "Wait, how much do you know about ancient times?" Devon asks. "I know plenty. Such as that zorua type was thought dead because it was over hunted by the ancient sinnoh people, or hisuian people, that is the hisuian form of zorua." Dmitri says. "Wow. How do you know so much about Pokémon?" Victor asks. Dmitri goes silent, he is clearly hiding something. "A, friend taught me loads, a close friend." Dmitri finally says after a long silence.

The group arrive at solaceon town, a very small town with a breeding center and ruins nearby. "This seems like a good place to relax for the night." McKenna says as the sky is turning dark. "Yeah." Victor says agreeing. The group go into a Pokémon center, and meet a very, interesting guy. He doesn't look familiar, however, on his shoulder is a litten. "Who the hell is that?" Devon asks. And like that, Victor goes and challenges this guy to a battle. "Victor are you being completely stupid?" McKenna asks running up to him. "So, you're Victor? Well my names Jay, pleased to meet you." Jay says.

"So what do you say about a battle?" Victor says. "I would say yes, but I think everyone would rather sleep." Jay says. "Yeah I can agree here." McKenna says. Everyone goes to sleep and the next day, Jay and Victor have their battle. Victor sends out his monferno and Jay, sends out a Pokémon the group haven't seen yet, an obstagoon. Monferno goes for a Mach punch but obstagoon blocks with obstruct.  Obstagoon retaliates with a thunder punch paralyzing monferno than getting in close and using throat chop. Monferno uses overheat, but obstagoon plays dirty and uses sand attack throwing sand into monfernos eyes. Monferno keeps shooting overheats despite the drawback to hit its opponent, but obstagoon keeps using sand attack. Eventually obstagoon gets the win with a well placed throat chop.

"Man you're good, it's rare for monferno to go down." Victor says. "Yeah, I got something to say about that." Devon says. "Shut up you have water while I have fire." Victor says. "You're not bad, just not as good as my buddy here, obstagoon and I, we go way back." Jay says. He returns obstagoon to his pokeball than says his goodbyes. "I feel we'll see him again." Dmitri says.

As the gang is prepared to leave, a hoard of bidoof arrive in the town, a wild absol is trying to get them to leave. "Wait a second." Devon says approaching the absol, he sees that the absol is 1, injured, and 2, it's trying to get the bidoof out of the area. The rest of the gang bring out their pokeballs for a battle against the absol, but Devon doesn't, instead, he brings out some potions and tries to calm down the absol. "Easy there, it's ok, I won't hurt you." Devon says. The absol growls at him, but doesn't attack. Devon let's the rest of his team out to stand guard while he tries to help the absol. Absol keeps growing, but Devon helps it and makes sure it's all better. "There you go, now tell me, what's wrong?" Devon asks. But before he can find an answer, he hears something, something big. Just than, a huge Tyranitar runs out rampaging through the forest and uses hyper beam to attack the town. All the people start panicking. Devon however, goes to fight it, McKenna, Victor, and Dmitri all help the townspeople. Devon prepares to send leafeon out to battle the tyranitar, however the absol gets in the way, challenging the tyranitar.

Tyranitar begins the battle with a dark pulse as absol dodges the attack and launches a mega horn. The tyranitar backs up but uses stone edge damaging the absol. Devon thinks fast and sends leafeon out to give absol some back up. Dmitri runs and joins Devon, sending out his nidorino to help as well. Absol uses night slash on tyranitar who fires back with a ice punch. Leafeon uses leaf blade to attack the tyranitar and nidorino uses double kick knocking the tyranitar over. As the tyranitar starts to get itself back up, Dmitri throws a poke ball at it, and catches it. "Hopefully, I can train this guy to not be so hostile." Dmitri says. "Agreed." Devon says. Victor and McKenna regroup with Dmitri and Devon, and as they're about to leave, the same absol jumps in front of them, and stares at Devon. "What is it trying to ask?" Devon asks his friends. "I think it wants to join your team." McKenna says.

Devon looks at absol, and raises a poke ball. Absol touches the center and joins Devons team. As the group starts to leave however, they see a mech come out of the ground, from team galactic.

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