Rival rouser

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As the group arrives in the next city that being hearthome city, Dmitri shows Victor the gym. "That's where I plan to get my 6th badge, heh, maybe you and Devon can get your third badges here." Dmitri says. "HELL YEAH IM DEFINITELY DOING THAT!" Victor yells. "Ehh, we'll see what happens." Devon says. Just than, Victor and McKenna see the mysterious trainer from before. "Hey it's that mysterious guy again." McKenna says to Victor. "Oh yeah, we should see him." Victor says.

The mysterious guy is talking to another trainer. "So, that's the stuff you've been into lately huh?" The other trainer says. "Yep, it is Xavier." The mysterious trainer says. Victor and McKenna walk up to the two. "Ahh more challengers, hate to disappoint but, the real gym leader isn't here currently, but I'm here, I'm the student of the gym leader, names Xavier." He says. "Hey I'm Victor, this is my friend McKenna, we're on a journey with our friend Devon as well and Devon and I challenge the leader." Victor says. "Well, fantina isn't here at the moment, but I'm here as the student of the gym leader." Xavier says. "And who's your friend?" McKenna asks. The mysterious guy looks at them. "Names Arnold." Arnold says. "Oh cool, so you're the person with the froakie and growlithe we saw?" McKenna asks. "Yes, but you see, the froakie isn't mine, I'm, taking care of it." Arnold says. "Taking care of it? For who?" Victor asks. "My little sister Susie, she, wants to be a trainer and in my journeys, I caught this froakie I want to give to her as her first partner." Arnold says. "You sound like a cool brother." Victor says.

"Thanks, I suppose." Arnold says. "So, how about a battle?" Victor asks. "Sure why not." Arnold responds. Victor sends out Saitama, and Arnold sends out her Charizard. "Woah what's that?" Victor asks. "A scizor, no it's a charizard, fire flying type." McKenna says. Arnold sighs. "Charizard, wing attack." Charizard uses wing attack before Saitama can even move sending the Pokémon flying. "SAITAMA!" Victor yells as Saitama goes flying. "You know, I think with more training, your machoke could become stronger." Arnold says. "Saitama isn't done yet." Victor says as Saitama picks himself up and charges with a dynamic punch. Charizard easily dodges and finishes the battle with flamethrower. "Yeah, you need more training but, you got potential." Arnold says. "Heh, my team and I will be the best team ever." Victor says. "Goodluck with that." Arnold says. "I guess this makes us rivals now." Victor says. Arnold nods. "Of course it does." Arnold says. "Oh yeah, if you want to get stronger, hearthome city is having a tag battle contest." Xavier says. "Wait really?" McKenna asks. "Yep, you can battle with a partner there." Xavier says. "I am definitely going to go and enter." Victor says. "I recommend you do, helps strengthen your team, and learn new battle strategies." Arnold says. "You going to enter too?" Victor asks Arnold. "Nah, besides, I got my own things to do." He says. "Yeah like what?" Victor asks. "I don't want to be the champion, I want to someday be a fire type gym leader." Arnold says. "Oh nice, is that why you have a Charizard and growlithe?" McKenna asks. "Yeah, my team is all fire type, I really want to achieve my goals, and maybe set up a gym back in my hometown." Arnold says. "And that would be?" Victor asks. "Lavaridge all the way back in hoenn." Arnold says. "Nice, I hope you achieve this." Victor says. "Thanks, and you're dreams are?" Arnold asks. "I want to be the greatest trainer in sinnoh, the Vicstar!" Victor yells. Arnold chuckles when he says vicstar. "I want to be top coordinator." McKenna says. "Good luck to both of you." Arnold says as he walks out of the city to the next route.

Victor and McKenna walk back to Devon to tell him about the tag battle tournament, when Victor sees him and sighs. "You." Victor says walking over. It's Sylvester. "Oh, you're here Huh." Dmitri, Rachel, Devon, and McKenna back away, the air has grown tense. "Why are you here?" Victor asks. "I should asks the same to you, I didn't think I'd run into you this quickly." Sylvester says. "What's that supposed to mean?" Devon asks. "That he's pathetic." Sylvester says. "Hey, no one makes fun of our friend and gets away with it!" Devon yells. "What, you want a battle?" Sylvester asks. "Yeah, let's go." Devon says.

Devon sends out maeda. Sylvester chuckles, and sends out his blastoise. "It evolved, already?" Victor asks surprised. Maeda glares at blastoise who hits him with one hydro pump. Maeda falls against a wall being knocked out. "Yeah, as I thought." Sylvester says returning blastoise to it's pokeball. "Heh, guess we didn't need that extra special thing, Sis wouldn't approve since she uses that herself." Sylvester chuckles. "What do you mean?" Victor asks. "Shut up, it's not important." Sylvester says to him.

As Sylvester walks away from the group of 5, McKenna and Rachel look at each other. "Hey guys, if it's fine, we'll be staying out of the tag battle, we want to both focus on the contest." Rachel says. McKenna nods. "Ladies gotta do what you gotta do, it's cool." Dmitri says giving them a thumbs up. As the girls go off to practice, Victor and Dmitri go over to Devon. "You cool man?" Victor asks. "No, I was to hot headed in that moment, I, I'm sorry but because of everything he said, I didn't want him to hurt my friend." Devon says. "It's fine man, his words may sting for a little while, but not forever. Besides, think positive right man." Victor says to Dmitri. "Yeah, Anyways, let's go and sign up for the tag battle." Dmitri says. The two nod and the three go to sign up for the tag battle tournament.

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