A champion encounter

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As the group were heading towards they encountered a trainer with a garchomp. "No way, is that real?" Dmitri asks. "Wait who?" Victor asks. "The champion, Cynthia." Rachel says. "WAIT CHAMPION!?" Victor asks excitedly. "Yep, she's the sinnoh region champion Cynthia, she hasn't lost any battles unless it's from one of the other champions, but even than it's rare and that's only from champions that are much stronger." Dmitri says. "Wow cool." Victor says.

"Hey Cynthia, I challenge you to a battle." A voice says. As they look, it's Sylvester. "Well if it's a battle you want, let's go." Cynthia says. The group goes to watch the battle. "Sylvester are you crazy?" Victor asks. Sylvester pays him no attention and grabs the pokeball and throws out the Pokémon, that Pokémon is a mandibuzz. "Mandibuzz use dark pulse." He says as mandibuzz uses dark pulse on cynthias garchomp only for garchomp to block and knock it out with a single brick break.

Sylvester switches in his next Pokémon. Dratini and uses dragon pulse but garchomp uses dragon rush. Knocking out dratini in one shot. Sylvester grabs another pokeball and sends out riolu and garchomp immediately goes for the Giga Impact but Sylvester saw this coming and tell riolu to use endure. "Giga impact is a powerful move yes but after using it, garchomp will have to recharge, making this the perfect move." Sylvester says as riolu uses reversal. Garchomp is fully recharged and uses bulldoze. Riolu is returned to the pokeball and Sylvester sends out his wartortle. Wartortle leads with an ice beam but garchomp barely shakes off the attack. Sylvester returns wartortle and sends out a vulpix.

Vulpix leads the battle with an energy ball but garchomp uses bulldoze knocking out vulpix in one hit. Sylvester sends out wartortle and wartortle uses ice beam which garchomp blocks and knocks wartortle out with a dragon rush. Sylvester returns wartortle. "Yeah, long way to go." Sylvester says. Victor steps up to fight Cynthia but, he does even worse none of his Pokémon land a hit and, he's down to just jr. "ok Vic, we can do this, you maybe at a type disadvantage, but I believe In you." He says. Jr nods and launches an iron tail at garchomp.

Garchomp retaliates with a powerful brick break knocking jr back. "Vic!" Victor yells. As garchomp goes for the dragon rush. Jr blocks the attack with his strength. Victor can't bring himself to watch his Pokémon get hurt. Than, jr starts to glow. "Wait Victor." McKenna says. Victor opens his eyes, jr evolved into a pikachu and learned a new move, focus punch. Jr uses focus punch sending garchomp flying backwards. Jr evolved, Victor can't believe his eyes, his newest Pokémon evolved so soon, but why. "Well, I'm not surprised." Dmitri says. "Surprised by what?" Victor says. "Jr evolving, pichus only evolve when there's a close bond between trainer and Pokémon, and I watched both of you practice a lot together." Dmitri says.

Jr launches a powerful focus punch at garchomp who can't move due to the Giga impact, however, the evolution isn't enough to take down the garchomp and jr goes down. "Good job both of you." Cynthia says. "Thank you champion." Victor says. "You're seriously pathetic." Sylvester says looking at Victor. "What's that now?" Victor asks. "Save it, I did so much better in that fight with the champion, the only reason you did well was because your pichu evolved, but even than, I doubt you will do much better." Sylvester says walking away from the 5 trainers. "Oh yeah, I have some Pokémon eggs, three of them, that I want to give to trainers, would you guys like an egg?" Cynthia asks. "Sure." McKenna says. "Ehh why not." Devon says. "A Pokémon from the champion I can raise myself? Hell yeah I'd love to have one!" Victor says. Cynthia nods and gives the three eggs. Dmitri and Rachel start heading towards mt coronet. "Hey where are you two going?" Victor asks. "Pokémon contest won't be for awhile so I'm going to practice while Dmitri gets his 6th badge." Rachel says. "WOAH 6 BADGE, you must be stronger than I thought." Victor says. "It's not much." Dmitri says.

The 5 keep talking as they go off, they have just had an encounter with the Pokémon champion Cynthia, and got some Pokémon eggs, what's next to come as the journey continues.

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