Contest debut and training

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McKenna was waiting in the stands to watch the contest. The first one up was Rachel. "Quilava let's go." Rachel says throwing quilava out of the pokeball. Stars fly around quilava as it does a jump in the air. "Quilava use swift let's go!" Rachel says as quilava uses swift in a circle followed by a flamethrower destroying the stars in a rainbow like fashion.

Quilava than uses smokescreen to hide itself as when the smoke cleared quilava is standing on one foot. "Well done to the first coordinator Rachel and her quilava!" The announcer says. "Now onto the other coordinators." McKenna watches very interested in this.

Meanwhile Victor and Devon are training like crazy for their gym battle. "So you think we can do this?" Devon asks. "Hell yeah we can." Victor says. "Easy for you to say, you have two grass resistances while I only have one that can deal super effective damage comfortably." Devon says. "Well let's get training against grass types!" Victor says. "Easy for you to say, McKenna is the only one of us with any grass types, and she's busy watching a contest." Devon says.

"I think I can help with that." Dmitri says. "Oh? How so man?" Victor asks. "I maybe a poison type user, but my partner is a grass type." Dmitri says. "Alright who's first?" Devon ask. "Me I want to train Vic." Victor says. "You mean jr?" Devon ask. "Well I want to be the Vic star." He says. "You mean champion." Dmitri says. Victor sends out jr while Dmitri sends out his partner, an ivysaur. Jr leads the battle off with a thunderbolt. Ivysaur takes the hit and retaliates with a seed bomb causing massive damage. "Grass types resist electric attacks. You gotta think smart." Dmitri says. "It helps to know attacks not of your Pokémon's type, provides coverage, observe." Dmitri says as ivysaur uses earthquake causing more damage to jr. "I know you can handle it." Victor says. Jr retaliates with a brick break. Ivysaur takes the hit like it's nothing. "That ivysaur is tanky, gotta outmaneuver it." Victor says to himself. "Vic I got a plan!" Victor says. Ivysaur launches a sludge bomb which jr tanks. "NOW!" Victor says as jr unleashes a Maximum powered reversal attack doing massive damage to ivysaur. Ivysaur barely stands and fire off a Giga drain knocking jr out. "You did pretty good even at a disadvantage." Dmitri says. "Heh, I'm just getting warmed up, let's continue this battle with a 4 on 4." Victor says. "Yeah not like I need to train or anything." Devon says. "Yeah sorry man. Forgot." Victor chuckles. "Sure whatever, my turn." Devon says. Dmitri returns his ivysaur.

"I have another grass type on my team I think you'll like fighting instead of ivysaur." Dmitri says. Devon nods and sends out cloudy, Dmitri smiles and sends out a lileep. Cloudy starts off with a wing attack but, lileep counters that with a rock tomb. "What?" Devon says surprised. "You want to train for the gym? The gym leader has ways to counter flying types, show me you can overcome these disadvantages!" Dmitri says as lileep uses toxic on cloudy. Cloudy now holds onto a thread trying to fight off the poison, than cloudy shakes it off. "Now that'll come in handy in your gym battle." Dmitri says. "What was it?" Devon asks. "A move called refresh, using it you can shake off any status effect. The gym leader uses poison strategies so I recommend using this to your advantage." Dmitri says

Over at the contest the battle rounds have neared the end and Rachel qualified for the second battle round and made it to the finale. Her final opponent is a trainer named Felix. "Let's go Buizel." The trainer says. Rachel readies her pokeball. "Go Jolteon!" Rachel says sending out her jolteon. "Jolteon thunderbolt!" Rachel says as Jolteon uses thunderbolt and buizel uses protect. Buizel fires back spinning while using aqua jet but Jolteon counters with a swift knocking the aqua jet over and than Jolteon fire a shadow ball colliding with the swift causing a sparkle. The timer stops. Rachel had barely more points.

"Congrats to Rachel and her team of Jolteon and quilava!" The announcer says. After the contest, McKenna walks over to Rachel. "That was so cool, my god I definitely want to try it!" McKenna says ecstatic. "Well than, I guess we're rivals once you enter." Rachel says winking. "Well I don't plan on loosing to you or quilava." McKenna says. "Neither do I." Rachel says. The girls walk back to where the guys are. "Hey McKenna how was watching the contest?" Victor asks.

"It was so cool I will definitely become a coordinator!" McKenna says. "Nice to see you found your true dream." Devon says. "So Rachel, you want to see these two do their gym battles?" Dmitri asks her. "I mean McKenna watched my contest and you helped prepare these two, I think it's fair." Rachel says. "Oh yeah, all that training will pay off nicely!" Victor says confidently high fiving jr.

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