"So we got ditched again?" Mickey exclaimed looking out at the empty area before landing her eyes on Jake in the tent across from her. 

Jake wanted to kiss everyone for giving them alone time. Last night Danny and Sam said they would leave them be for a little while. He didn't expect them to follow through with it though. Looking now at Mickey's disheveled hair the confidence he had faltered. "Seems we were. Do you want to do anything?" Jake asked praying she would say something. 

Mickey looked around again praying someone would walk out. That at least one of them was still there. When she settled her stare on Jake once again all hopes of the others flew out the window. 

"We could go buy beer. Take an adventure out of the park to surprise them." Mickey offered seeing Jakes smile grow.

Jake quickly got ready throwing on whatever clothes he could find before taking the keys from Danny's tent. Mickey stood dolled up when he pulled the car around much to his surprise. Her hair was tied up in a little bun on her head and her cropped Muppets t-shirt made him grin. 

"Your chariot of Lady Gaga awaits M 'lady." Jake opened the door for her helping her in. Maybe this would go in his favor. 

Josh danced ahead of Luanne who had her lens focused on him. He was a little show boat when it came to cameras. The girl absolutely adored it though, he had become her favorite person to film. When they reached the peak of the hike the camera hung loosely from her neck. 

"This is beautiful." Luanne breathed out as he stopped ahead of her. Looking back at the girl instead of the mountains in around him the world felt eerily still. The song he had written Mountain of the Sun made more sense than ever right now. "It really is." Josh whispered in response. 

Looking around her Luanne spotted an open non rocky area to lay down in. Gazing at Josh his puzzling stare made her giggle. She felt he was always observing her. Perhaps as much as she was observing him. From the tiniest scar on his hand to the obvious fluff of hair on his head, she knew him in his entirety. That was what she wanted to know the minute she saw him. 

"Would you like to lay with me?" Luanne asked referencing the first words she spoke to him. 

"If that's alright with you? Not trying to be a bother." Josh retaliated picking up on her reference before plopping down on the ground pulling her into his chest. 

Listening to his heart beating in his chest Luanne felt the height of her emotions flow throughout her body like liquid gold. She should tell him. Tell him so he at least knew that she loved him in every way that a person could be loved. Tell him that every moment with him was going to be her happiest memories until her last day on earth. Love didn't seem an adequate way to express this. 

"I am so fucking glad I bothered you that day Luanne Faye." Josh blurted as he ran his fingers through her hair. 

"You never bothered me. I think all along I was waiting for you." Luanne replied softly leaning deeper into his hold. 

Josh though he should tell her then. Tell her that she saved him from himself. Tell her in his dreams for the rest of his life he would see those eyes and that smile. He wanted to know every little thing about her in painstaking detail. But he couldn't say it, not then. Not ever. 

Danny, Emmeline, and Sam had been getting back from the hot spring when they saw Josh and Luanne taking turns posing for each other as they walked down the path from their hike. The three watched as the couple walked right past them, not noticing them in the slightest. Danny just rolled his eyes with a laugh before walking ahead to join them. 

"Thank you for sharing Luanne with him, and us for that matter." Sam smiled watching his brother attempt a cartwheel. 

Emmie grabbed tight to Sam's forearm leaning her head on his bicep. Luanne would always be her Luanne but everyone deserved to know her. To be loved by her was to be loved by the earth itself. Free of judgment and fear of disappointment. If anyone else deserved that love it was these boys and Josh. 

"I love you." Emmie replied feeling him kiss the top of her head as they walked up to the others.

"They took my car!" Danny shouted looking at his phone. He promised to give Jake and Mickey time alone but not stealing his car. 

"Oh relax darlin. They are probably shopping. You and I still have to discuss our Harry Potter movie trivia." Luanne calmly took Danny's hand leading him toward the picnic table where Josh had pulled out Luanne's notebook of trivia questions. 

Jake and Mickey had pulled in to the campground once again as the sun was setting. Mickey used her credit card to buy as many cases of seltzers she could find as well as groceries. As much as the boys drove her crazy she still cared for them. Jake had taken her anywhere she wanted to go all day and surprisingly she really enjoyed herself. As she was about to open the car door Jake placed a hand over hers. 

"I'm sorry if I made things awkward in El Paso. I am not sorry for what I said though." Jake spoke quick and sort of jumbled making Mickey tilt her head in confusion. 

Instead of saying anything Mickey just smiled getting out of the car carrying one of the cases while Jake grabbed the rest. In reality, she didn't know what to say. There was too much at stake. When she saw Luanne pointing her finger in Wagner's face with Joh cackling beside her she felt at ease once again. Sam and Emmie came running for the case in her hand not hesitating to take it for themselves each of them leaving a kiss on her cheek. 

"Mickey you're an incredible woman." Emmie spoke fast running off with the boy. 

"You stole my car!" Danny yelled toward Jake who cheekily grinned at his best friend. Jake knew he would not be the happiest but it was well worth it to see Mickey opening up to him. 

As they sat drinking playing Luanne's made up trivia game the group seemed at peace. The inevitable creeping through them was silenced as they shouted answers at one another. Danny and Luanne argued back and forth like siblings while Josh recorded them with a childlike smile. Sam and Jake watched Emmie and Mickey performing foreign accents to each other with drunken grins. There is always something heartwarming about young love and the sense of time not existing. Except time did exist, and it was flying by. 

Fandango [Josh Kiszka] Book OneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang