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With his new privelages Chris founded a new orginization called the Flaming Sword. They remained seperate from the Pinkertons so as to preserve the latter's image of a non aggressive investigations orginization. Though they did pledge to work alongside them for the destruction of Eden.

He was then married to Eve, Jill, Megan, Max, Kira and Melissa. He also adopted Ethan as his son. Then he retired from active combat, choosing to lead the Flaming Sword from a board room instead. His brother Steven's company helped with initial funds.

Lilly became known as the first halfbreed child. The story was that she had been raised in secret by the government for her own safety. She later started going to school with Leon since they were the same age.

This is the end of Chris' story. But Eden will return for one last hoorah. Coming soon, Burnt Eden!

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