A New Home

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"So. You're the new guys headed to unit four." A male German Shepherd says.

Suddenly he stands up from out of his office chair. He's literally head and shoulders above Chris.

"It's been two decades since I last saw a human. I can't say I missed your kind." The man says, looking Chris directly in the eye.

"Your file says your civ sec. But I think you're full of shit. How does an eighteen year old from civ sec get transferred into an experimental spec ops unit?" The man asks Chris.

"I'm a good shot." Chris replies with a cocky grin.

"Is that so. Well, just so we're clear. I'm in charge of this base and you will fall in line. You can call me Dictator Pressley. Understood?" The giant asks Chris.

"Understood. Sir." Chris responds.

"Good. Here's a map of the base. You're dismissed." Pressley says, putting a folded piece of paper in front of them.

With a salute they take the paper and leave. And just as he has said, it was a map of the base.

A partial map anyway. On it they could see the location of the soldiers quarters as well as the mess hall. Everything else was blacked out and labelled 'find it yourself'.

"I don't like him." Chris comments.

"I could tell. Don't worry, I don't think he likes you either." Eve replies, smirking at him.

"Haha very funny. Come on, gimme the map. I'm more afraid of your sense of direction than I am of Dictator Pressley." Chris says, taking the map from Eve.

Under his guidance it doesn't take them long to find the place they're looking for.

"Barracks number four. According to the the info we got it's basically like a house. It has it's own bathroom, kitchen and living room." Eve explains.

"Just some of the perks that come with being spec ops." A voice behind them says.

Turning around they see a lioness standing behind them.

"Yo. The name's Kira. Welcome to the team. You wouldn't mind helping me with these would ya?" She asks, lifting the bags she's carrying a little higher.

Chris takes half the bags from her.

"Thanks. We just need to get these into the kitchen." Kira says as she walks up to the door.

Inside they can hear a few people talking.

"I want everyone in the living room asap." Kira orders.

Immediately they hear people moving.

"We can just put these on the counter for now." Kira says, leading them into the kitchen. Chris does as she says.

"Right. Now, let me introduce you to the team." Kira tells them.

Eve and Chris follow her into the living room where the rest of the team is waiting for them.

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to our new teammates. This is Eve. She's going to be our medic. And the human here is Chris. Our new scout." Kira introduces them.

Chris can see that some of them flinch when she mentions his role in the squad.

"Okay you two. You already met me, the squad leader. Next is Sam. She's our heavy." Kira says.

Sam is a tall, muscular, tigress. She just nods at them.

"Next is our chef and driver. Jill." Kira says as a short, white rabbit steps forward.

"Nice to meet'cha." Jill greets.

Chris notices that she has a gap between her front teeth. He can't help but think that it looks adorable.

"Next up we have Max. She's our sniper." Kira introduces the next person.

The person she points towards is a hooded shark with a large scar over one eye. She doesn't even look in their direction. Instead she's busy cleaning a gun barrel.

"Right. Lastly we have Melissa. She's our tech expert and coordinator." Kira adds.

"Hey." Melissa says, stepping forward shyly. Melissa is a squirrel.

"Let's all get along and be as efficient as we possibly can." Kira says, clapping her hands together.

"Now let me take you to your rooms." She says, taking them by the wrist.

She then leads them down a hallway and stops in between two doors that face each other.

"Listen. Our previous scout was very loved so everyone will be waiting to see if you can fill her shoes. Any case, these are your rooms." Kira explains to them.

The two of them thank her.

Upon opening his door Chris finds a large bed with a few suitcases on it.

He spends the rest of the afternoon unpacking his things. When he's done he closes his door and pulls out his phone.

The number he dials doesn't take too long to answer.

"This is Steven Lot." The voice on the other end says.

"Hey bro. Just calling to hear how you're doing." Chris says, smiling suddenly.

"Chris? I'm doing just fine. As fine as the office will let anyway. You?" Steven asks.

"Fine I suppose. Started a new job today." Chris replies.

"So you're nervous. That makes sense. You're not as confident in your ability as everyone else is." Steven says.

"That's not it. I have confidence that I'll be able to finish this job pretty soon." Chris responds.

"Then what could it possibly be?" Steven asks his brother.

"I'm just worried I won't be able to win the trust of the people I'm working with. It seems I have some big shoes to fill." Chris explains.

"Ahhh. I see. It can be tricky when people expect something of you. But the trick is to ignore their expectations. Just be the best version of yourself. And if they don't like you then, then they can shove it." Steven tells Chris.

"Thanks bro. I'll do that." Chris thanks.

After a bit more talking they end the conversation.

"So, how's Steven doing?" Eve asks from his door.

He'd noticed her opening it a while ago.

"Still trying to do everything on his own. You know how he is." Chris replies.

"True. But there's no denying the fact that the firm is much better off thanks to him." Eve comments as she closes the door behind her.

She then sits down on the bed next to him.

"Now what?" Eve asks him.

"Now we wait. We shouldn't start prying immediately. Let's wait for everyone's attention to shift first. Then we work swiftly and efficiently." Chris responds.

"Right." Eve nods in agreement.

The they look at each other and say their companies motto.

"Whatever it takes."

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