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Knowing full well that he'd probably have the most trouble with Sam, Chris couldn't figure out whether he should talk to her first or last. So he decided to put her in the middle.

So now he was with her. They were in a boxing gym that could be found in a relatively small town. Chris was getting the feeling that almost everyone in his squad came from small towns.

He had approached Sam and had asked to discuss something with her. She had ignored him and had continued pounding the worn out punching bag in front of her. With nothing else to do Chris just stands there watching her. Eventually she is seemingly satisfied with the one sided beatdown she gave the bag. So she turns to Chris.

"How'd you survive the fall?" She asks. Chris realizes that she'd been thinking about how to ask him. In the end she simply chose the most direct route.

"I got lucky." He lies.

"Bullshit!" She loudly responds. "I saw the footage. That fall should've broken every bone in your body!" She adds.

"Look. I don't trust you. Unfortunately Kira is too lovestruck to share my misgivings. So if you want my help then you'll cut the crap and be straight with me." She tells him. 

Chris starts mulling it over in his head, looking for a way out. Ultimately he only finds to logical solutions. The first is to give up on recruiting her since she clearly won't fall for anything less than the truth. The second is to tell her the truth and hope that she would still be willing to help him.

He concludes that the best thing to do would be to tell her the truth. At least part of it.

"I was genetically modified. As a result of that I was able to survive the fall." He tells her. 

"By who and for what purpose?" She asks, not even questioning his prior statement. Chris inwardly compliments her intuition.

"Doesn't matter. The person who did it is dead." He responds.

It looks like she wants to pressure him for more, but luckily she doesn't.

"Okay, that's good enough for now. I'll help you so long as your mission doesn't threaten the safety of this country." She says, turning back to resume her war on the punching bag.

With nothing more to say Chris leaves.

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