The Single Greatest Threat

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"So who exactly are you?" Chris asks the strange man.

"I am you. Or at least, an older model." The man replies. "You may call me Enoch."

"I see. So am I correct in assuming that this entire battle is so that they can end you?" Chris asks.

"Correct. Afterall, they can't very well let the man in control of the Serpent faction turn against them."

Upon hearing this Chris rushes forward and grabs the man by his collar.

"Do you have any idea how many you endangered and how many lives were lost?! And even worse you put my teammates in danger! If you knew you were such a big deal you should have never set foot in a populated area." Chris hisses in the man's face.

"I won't deny that I have done something despicable. But I assure you that it's for good reason. As I have explained to these young ladies, I am not your enemy." Enoch replies, guilt filling his eyes. Seeing this Chris let's go and steps back.

"What do you want?" Chris asks.

"I want several things. Firstly, I want you to take this." Enoch says, pulling a USB out of his shirt pocket.

"What's on it?"

"Information. It will explain everything itself. You just need to watch it." Enoch tells him.

"And why can't you tell us that yourself?"

"Because I'm not coming with you. I am their target and they won't stop hunting me until I am dead. So I'll stay here and die fighting." Enoch responds, waving a hand at the many guns and ammo boxes in the room.

"I see. What about your ninja?" Chris asks, jabbing a thumb in said ninja's direction.

"That's the second thing. Please take her with you. The drive will explain, but she will be of use to you." The man asks, his voice pleading.

"Okay. Fine. Then I guess we're going." Chris says, turning to Max and Melissa.

"We have a way out of here?" He asks.

"I left a helicopter on the roof. It's equipped with anti SAM tech as well as weapons." Enoch tells them.

Saying goodbye to the old man Max, Melissa and the Ninja leave the room. Chris stays a bit and turns to the man.

"Hey old man, why do you look so old? If you're a clone of Adam you should be younger." Chris asks him.

"I'm not a clone of anybody. The virus simply did not affect me. You see I have full viral immunity. And Eden sheltered me so I was safe from persecution. For a while anyway." Enoch tells him.

With a nod at the old man Chris leaves.

The group make their way up to the roof using the elevator as far as the top floor then taking the stairs.

Sure enough they find an armoured helicopter waiting for them on the roof. Melissa jumps into the pilot seat while Max and Chris each takes one of the door miniguns. The ninja is the co-pilot.

As they lift off of the roof they see a group of soldiers approaching the building. Half of them are shot to pieces by automatic fire coming from the building itself. Enoch.

"Activating flairs! Hold on!" Melissa shouts as the lock on warning sounds.

Unlike last time they manage to escape.

When they're in the clear Melissa asks: "Where to?"

"HQ." Chris says, looking at the burning city.

(A much shorter chapter I know. I'm sorry. But we have now entered into the final act.)

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