Compulsory Beach Episode

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The sound of laughter fills the air as people, both young and old enjoy the beach experience.

With the sun above them and the soft sand under their feet; Chris, Pressley and Ethan set up the umbrella. After putting down the cooler box of course.

Just as their finished the girls arrive, each wearing her swimsuit.

"So Chris, what do you think?" Megan asks him.

Unable to resist Chris allows his gaze to travel up her body, from her toes to her head.

Megan is wearing a crimson bikini with golden rings holding together the parts that shouldn't be untied.

"I think you look incredible." Chris says, hoping she didn't notice that his eyes had spent a split second longer when it reached her decently sized breasts.

"Oooh, we're making Chris judge our swimsuits? Sounds like fun." Jill giggles as she dances around in front of Chris, making sure to give him a good view.

Jill is wearing light blue swim shorts with a light pink bikini top that suits her small breasts perfectly. But most notable is the, almost contagious, excitement radiating off of her.

Chris gives her the ok hand sign as his mark of approval.

Next up is Kira. she is wearing a black bikini with dark blue beads at the end of each strap.

It manages to perfectly accentuate her large breasts and wide hips.

Chris nods while simultaneously giving her the thumbs up.

The other girls are not as keen though.

Sam just walks by him with a volleyball under her arm. She is wearing camo shorts with a top covered in the same camo.

This however does not hide her evident muscle and obviously voluptuous breasts. Chris is even momentarily entranced by her rear ad she walks.

Luckily he is able to pull himself together before he could get into trouble.

The next person he sees is Melissa. She is also wearing shorts, although her's are khaki in colour. Her brown bikini top doesn't hide her round, albeit average sized, breasts. She is moving to join Sam.

Max, however, is heading to the ocean. She is wearing dark grey diving pants with a gym bra. Chris thinks to himself that she has an almost perfect body for his tastes. Almost perfect hips, slightly larger than average breasts and long legs.

"Sorry I'm late." Eve says from behind him.

Chris turns around to greet him, but immediately notices her outfit.

It's an all white bikini, with an almost transparent, white, cloth around her left leg. Her breasts are about the same size as Max's, if not a smidge larger. Unlike Max, Eve does have the perfect hips in Chris' professional opinion. Her legs are a bit shorter than Max's though.

Normally, Chris would have been speechless. But since he's seen her like this so many times he appears unfazed. On the outside anyway.

Once everyone had arrived, each goes their own way to do their own thing.

A shirtless, and surprisingly muscular, Pressley grabs his surfboard and runs at the water. Meanwhile the girls are either playing beach volleyball or frolicking in the water. Except Max. Max is just floating there. At least she has a satisfied smile on her face.

While this is going on, Chris is helping Ethan with his construction project.

Ethan's goal is to build the biggest sand castle in the world! And while Chris knows he won't succeed, he decides to help the kid anyway. The two end up having a ton of fun.

After a few hours, the group gathers under the umbrella for lunch. Those who can, eat hotdogs while Jill and Melissa eat tofu dogs.

Chris and Ethan have a laugh over the sheer amount of tomato sauce on Ethan's hotdog while the girls discuss what else they're gonna do during the trip.

After lunch, Chris takes Ethan to an ice cream stand where he buys him a vanilla cone. Chris on the other hand gets a caramel one.

Together they eat ice cream while watching everyone else resume what they'd already been doing.

Seeing Ethan's innocent expressions at everything around him makes Chris feel at odds with his own emotions.

On one hand he's happy to be enjoying himself eating ice creams, catching crabs and building sand castles.

On the other he can't help but feel like something bad is on its way. Especially since his mind keeps wandering to that conversation he had overheard back on the base.

He decides to put those thoughts away for the time being and just enjoy himself.

And that's exactly what he did. All day he enjoy himself.

But, worry is not so easily forgotten. Nor is ruin, so easily averted.

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