Leaving Home

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"You ready to go." A familiar voice asks.

Outside the front door of a fairly large house we find three humans who look almost identical to one another. The only difference being the age.

One is Adam. He is age 20. He'll be turning 21 in a few months.

The second is Leon. He is 11.

The third is Chris. Age 18.

"I'm ready. Just waiting on Eve that's all." Chris says, with a confident smile.

"Good to hear. She'll be down in a minute. I trust you went over all the mission details multiple times?" Cora, dressed in pyjamas, asks, walking out the door. By her side, holding her hand, is a three year old boy.

He looks mostly human. He has black hair with gold streaks.

The exception is that he has reptilian pupils and black scales around his throat, on his cheeks and on the back of his hands. He also has a dragon tail and a pair of tiny dragon wings growing out of his back.

His name is George, after the knight that slew the dragon with the sword Ascalon. According to Adam it's an old human story.

"I did. Don't worry." Chris reassures Cora.

"Good. And you memorized your cover?" Cora asks.

"I did." Chris nods.

Chris works for a company called Pinkerton Investigations. The company was founded by Adam, Ben and Seth with help from the Draco family.

Their job is to investigate corruption in the higher echelons of society. And this time they have reason to believe that Eden has infiltrated the military.

So Chris and Eve volunteered to investigate.

Just then a young grey wolf walks out the door while apologizing for being late.


Behind her is a heavily pregnant Mira.

"Sorry the others couldn't be here. They're having some trouble with the kids." Mira says with an embarrassed smile.

"It's fine sis." Eve comforts her with one of her signature smiles.

At eighteen she still looks frail. But, she is easily the best hand to hand fighter in the house.

"Come on. I'm getting impatient." Ben says from the car behind them.

"Right then. We should go." Chris says.

With a few final hugs the two of them get into the car.

"Let's go." Ben says, putting the car into gear.

A new story has begun.

A new generation has dawned.

This is their story.

World Of Fur: Legacy of Shadowsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن