Eden's Sin

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"Mission briefing time." Kira says.

Just then the chopper jerks around a bit due to turbulence.

Suddenly the inside of the chopper is filled with a blue light that's caused by a holographic display.

The display is of a large factory building.

"Our job is to clear out this building so that a squad of analysts can investigate the substance they were smuggling." Kira explains.

"I've marked your individual objectives on your tac maps." She adds.

Just then the chopper comes to a halt and lands. Once the back of the chopper is open they each go their separate ways.

Chris goes ahead of the group to scout for enemies and traps. Eve stays at the back of the main group.

Due to a necessity to remain undetected they had to land the chopper a significant distance away from the target building.

Luckily they are able to make good time hoofing it.

The fact that the area they are in makes Chris tense since any activity could either be an enemy or a rat.

The creaking of abandoned machinery combined with the stray dogs running around corners makes this place look like a daytime horror scene.

He even thinks about how he wouldn't be surprised if a man in a hockey mask shows up to kill him.

After some time Chris spots the target building.

Not wanting to be seen he makes a detour through a bunch of rusted train cars.

All around him are signs that this place had once been alive and filled with people.

But after the chem bombs from five years prior, a lot of places like this were no little more than ghost towns and smuggling routes.

Chris manages to reach the top of a factor chimney from where he has a bird's eye view of the target building.

"I have eyes." He says into his radio.

"How many hostiles?" Kira asks.

"I count about two dozen."

Then something catches his eye.

From the east side he sees three armoured trucks approach the building.

"Third party spotted."

"Elaborate." Kira orders.

"Three heavily armoured trucks. Unsure of contents."

Once the three trucks reach the building.

A group of smugglers casually approach the trucks, with one stepping ahead of the others.

Then the back of the trucks open and multiple soldiers step out.

They are dressed in black military gear whilst simultaneously being armed with high tech military weaponry.

Chris can't make out the exact models of their weapons but he can tell they're American made assault rifles.

"A bunch of enemies just stepped out of the trucks. These guys look more like black ops than smugglers." He says into his radio.

"The situation has changed. I'm sending this up the ladder." Kira replies.

Waiting for his next orders, Chris watches the enemies down below.

As he watches, they pull a bunch of crates from the trucks.

On them he sees the symbol of an apple with a snake curled around it.

"I've identified the third party." Chris hurriedly says into the radio.

"Who are they?" Kira asks in response.

"It's fucking Eden." He says.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"Positive. And even worse, it's the Sin faction."

"Shit. I'll tell command immediately." Kira replies.

The Sin faction.

After the death of their previous leader Eden was left in a chaotic state. But, individual factions rose up and helped bring order to the broken organisation.

While each faction does have their own goals, they nevertheless work together as one larger group.

The Sin faction is known as the most aggressive group in the organization.

After some silence, Kira finally talks again.

"New orders. We are to fall back. Command is going to send in the big guns."

"Right." Chris replies.

Then, for the first time he notices a shadow next to his own.

Instinctively he jumps forward, off of the grate covering the top of the chimney. He knows that if he doesn't react quickly he will fall to his death.

He quickly turns around to face upward and, after pressing a button on his glove, two wires shoot forward from his hips.

The arrow tips at the front of the wires hook into the chimney, thus preventing him from falling any further. While the wires may look thin, they are in actuality incredibly strong.

On the chimney where he had just been now stood a man wearing a similar outfit to his with similar gear.

Only this man was dressed in all black with a much more sinister design to his helmet. On his chest was the symbol for the Sin faction.

"I've been compromised." Chris says into the radio as he starts sliding to the ground below.

Once he hits the ground he starts sprinting towards the chopper while also making sure to take winding alleys and dark halls.

"Are you being followed?" Kira asks, sounding worried.

"No." Chris replies, noticing that nobody is behind him. Nevertheless he doesn't slow down.

By the time he reaches the chopper the entire squad is already there and the choppers blades are already spinning.

"Get in." Eve says from the door of the chopper.

Chris doesn't hesitate to do just that.

Almost immediately they are in the air, flying away from the target building.

On the way, Chris went over the footage captured on his helmet camera.

He pauses to stare at an image of the man who had snuck up on him.

In his mind is one burning question.

"How did I not notice him?"

World Of Fur: Legacy of ShadowsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon