Saying Goodbye

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Shocked into silence Chris and his entire team lean back in their seats. With him are Kira, Eve, Sam, Max, Melissa, Jill, Adam, Ben, Steven and Cora. The ninja is already there. Though she's currently wearing a khaki dress. Everyone was shocked to find a human girl with cat ears and a cat tail. She's expressionless, but tears are forming at the edges of her eyes. Oh yeah, she's a kid.

"Lillith returning could be disastrous." Adam says, being the first to speak. 

"Especially if she's more powerful than last time." Cora adds.

"Yeah. Killing her was more difficult than it needed to be. Seems the bitch is too stubborn to stay dead." Ben comments, rubbing the back of his head.

"We'll deal with her later. First we need to stop Eden. If they set off another one of those bombs we're screwd. Especially if they do it in the middle of a city." Chris tells them. 

Everyone nods in agreement.

"Luckily we know where the bombs are. It seems the Sin faction is using a flying fortress to stay out of sight. It's height and stealth tech makes it next to impossible to find. Unless of course you have Eden's resources." Chris explains.

"So we're attacking it?" Sam asks.

"Yes. But not recklessly. The bombs are on that thing. So if that thing falls on land we could be looking at catastrophic levels of destruction. Our plan is to drop it in the ocean at an unpopulated area near the south pole. That way we could maybe lessen the impact should those bombs go off." 

They discuss the plans further. When they're done everyone parts to make preperations.

Eve finds Chris about to climb into his car. 

"You're going to see her aren't you?" Eve asks him.

"She needs to know who killed her father. Plus, I'm hoping she can help me. I'd like to figure myself out before our suicide mission."

After saying this Chris drives off, leaving Eve with a sad expression.

He drives for two hours before he reaches a military cemetary. 

Sure enough, the person he came to see is there.

"Hey Megan." Chris says.

"Chris." Megan replies. 

"I take it your here with news?" She asks without looking up.

"We've found the people who killed your father. We leave in a few days to take them out." 

Suddenly she stands up and turns to Chris. To his surprise he doesn't see a single sign of sadness.

"I know. You can't tell that I'm mourning. But for Ethan's sake I need to stay strong." She tells him. He nods since it makes sense to him.

"You're essentially his mother." He comments.

"I have been for a long time. But now, he no longer has a father." 

"The same goes for you. I know you need to put on a brave face with him. But please, allow yourself to show weakness, If only to me." Chris says, placing his hand on her shoulder.

Unable to stop herself she falls onto his chest as she begins to cry. Chris wraps his arms around her and pulls her close. Together they stand as Megan lets out the pain she had been keeping locked up. 

Some time later they're sitting together in a cafe drinking cofee. Chris can't help but think that she had matured a lot since Pressley's death.

"Ethan's going to need a father you know." She tells him.

"Nobody can replace his father. That being said he does need a father figure in his life."

Megan nods.

"I've been thinking and I think the best course of action would be to adopt him and get married." Megan says.

This causes Chris to bite his tongue.

"What? Do you understand what that means? Don't you want to fall in love first?" Chris asks.

"That's why I've decided to speak to you first. Ethan already looks up to you. You're like a big brother to him so you becoming his psuedo father would be better than asking anyone else. Plus I am already in love with you." Megan confesses.


"If you're worried about the others, I won't stop you from taking other wives. Provided I approve them beforehand of course." She adds with a smug grin.


"What's wrong? You can say no if you don't want to. I simply thought I'd come to you first." She explains.

"It's not that I don't want to. I just don't know whether it would be okay. I was made to be a soldier. While I do plan on retiring when I get married I'm worried. What if I'm not a good husband? What if I'm not a good father?" He tells her.

Her gentle smile surprises him.

"You'll be a wonderful husband and great father. Of that I have no doubt. So please, decide what you want and take it." She tells him. 

A timid smile appears on his face.

"Right. I've decided. After this coming battle, I will retire and start a family. And I know just the women I want to start it with." He says.

With a happy smile Megan says: "Great. Now go fuck 'em up. Darling." 

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