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Aurora rushed around, gathering what little she could carry, before heading to the door, only to have it blasted open by Lizzie, breathing heavily.

"You seem to be running low on energy, Renegade," Aurora said, slowly backing away from her.

"Yeah, I got a fix for that now," Lizzie replied, putting a hand on the wall and siphoning magic from it, and her eyes glowed yellow.

"How did you find me?" Aurora asked.

Lizzie smirked, and held up Stiles's wedding ring that was on her pinkie, a small red light blinking from it,"Good old fashion tracking device. Guess you didn't prepare for everything, did you? Especially for what happened in New York?"

"What do you mean?" Aurora asked.


A van pulled up in front of the ATM camera, and the man that stepped out was Raldo, he smiled at Stiles as he pretended to work on the car.

Stiles nodded back in acknowledgement, then he closed his eyes in concentration and whispered,"Appearatas Veridical."

And an exact replica of him showed up, doing the same motion over and over again like a video on a loop.

End Flashback

"That little werewolf bonding ritual where Stiles shared his power with the Crescent Wolves and went both ways," Lizzie said, her claws trailing across the wall as she walked closer to Aurora,"Now, he's probably the weakest witch in the world, but he still can make a simple illusion spell."

"Resourceful," Aurora complimented.

"You have a lot to be punished for, Aurora," Lizzie growled,"What you put those boys through...The Mikaelsons."

"Niklaus spelled me up and trapped me behind a brick wall for nearly a decade," Aurora said,"Like some character from an Edgar Allan Poe story."

"And once in fifth grade, Hope stole my favorite butterfly hair clip," Lizzie replied.

"Are you comparing the loss of a hair accessory to the physical and emotional torment that I endured at the man I once loved?"

"My point is that we both suffered at the hands of a Mikaelson," Lizzie continued,"But now I'm the best version of myself because of them. And now I'm not gonna let you hurt them again," Lizzie growled, taking several other steps toward.

"You're forgetting one thing," Aurora said.

"Yeah? And what's that?" Lizzie said through her fangs.

"Only one of us is holding the detonator to blow this whole place to hell," Aurora said, holding up a button, pressing it with her thumb and explosions shook the building and Aurora jumped out the window.

Change Of View

Stiles and Hope ride in the back of Freya's SUV, and the former Alpha apologizes over and over again.

"I'm so so sorry," Stiles whispered, his arms locked around Hope's waist.

"I know," Hope replied, leaning her head against Stiles's chest,"Who are they?" She asked,"I know about Ethan, but is there anybody else?"

"Jackson," Stiles answered,"Lizzie should be getting them now."

"Lizzie's alive?" Hope asked, she had suspected, but to hear she was actually living made her heart lift.

"Yeah," Stiles said,"But I did shoot her though."

Hope looked up into his eyes,"Is that why..." She trailed off, not needing to continue to know what she meant.

New WorldsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora