Super Squad Reunion

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When Hope finally made it to her Aunt's house, Keelin was the first out the door, catching Hope before she fell. The painful memories of the night before coming back and hitting her full force. All that pain, but still unable to die or turn it off. Then there was the werewolf that saved her, his bright red eyes had branded her soul, unable to forget them.

Freya soon followed Keelin out, and they helped her inside.

"What happened to you?" Keelin asked, seeing the bruises on the back of her neck, the only thing that was left from the dozens of bullets.

"I got shot... a lot," Hope replied.

"We found who did it," Freya said in a growl that could rival a werewolf,"We'll do something about them, we'll--"

"I'm okay," Hope said, sitting down,"I don't want anymore people to die because of me."

Freya swallowed before nodding, reluctantly obeying Hope's wishes.

Change Of View

This would be the thirteenth witch Stiles would talk to since he came here, there were dozens of others in the French quarter, and Stiles was trying to be patient with this. Traveling between worlds couldn't have been easy magic, but he still tries to find a solution.

"Hey, how's it going?" Stiles said as he walked into the Lafayette cemetery, throwing a werewolf about to stop him across the cemetery and they slammed into a crypt,"I hear you're a pretty powerful witch."

"I don't know who you are," Vincent Griffith said,"But you made a mistake coming here--"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Stiles said, continuing to walk forward,"I've heard the speech before,'I'm too powerful for you. I'm a witch, the strongest of all supernaturals.' Just sounds like a bunch of shit to me."

Vincent sent a wave of magic at Stiles and he slid back a couple steps with a grunt in pain, blood starting to drip down his nose.

"Okay," Stiles panted,"Not gonna lie, that hurt a little."

Vincent's eyes widened as Stiles' own started to glow red,"You... You don't belong here."

Stiles paused, this was the first time someone had ever said something like that,"You know what I am?"

"An Alpha werewolf," Vincent answered,"But not the kind from here."

"I'm trying to get home," Stiles said, looking at him with pleading eyes,"Can you help me?"

"The power that you need to go back... no witch has it," Vincent told him.

Stiles growled, he slammed Vincent against a crypt, and when Vincent met Stiles' eyes again he was transformed,"I don't take no for an answer!" Stiles growled,"You know where I'm from, so you know something. TELL ME!"

"The ancestors," Vincent wheezed,"The source of power of every witch in New Orleans."

Stiles let him go, shifting back to human as Vincent continued.

"They helped me make a serum," Vincent said,"The power of an Alpha werewolf from your world, I gave it to two vampires, one of them is already dead. The other is Marcel Gerard, giving them the power to kill Original Vampires."

"That doesn't tell me how to get home," Stiles growled.

"There is no way home for you," Vincent said,"That bridge was closed years ago."

"Well, then you better open it, before I break off an extra large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe and shove it up your frickin--" Stiles started.

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