Care For And Protect

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Stiles let out a shaky breath, his eyes flashing red as the solid steel vault door closed. He had found this place a couple days ago, an abandoned bank, just like the one in Beacon Hills.

It was an analog timed lock, so in twelve hours it would open on it's own. Stiles had food and water to last the whole night, and a cot to sleep on.

There was a bullet proof glass dome over the vault, so Stiles could see the full moon rise into the air, and he willingly stepped into the pale light and his eyes turned red, he opened his mouth revealing his fangs and he roared in both pain and fury.

Change Of View

"Are you hungry?" Freya asked Hope, placing a plate on the table in front of Hope.

Hope shook her head.

"Maybe you're hungry for something else," Freya suggested, placing a blood bag in front of Hope.

Hope swallowed, a few veins coming to the surface around her eyes.

"It's deer blood," Freya told her,"Not human."

As soon as she heard that, Hope snatched the bag, opening the top and putting the straw in her mouth. It didn't taste as good as human blood, but it still quenched her thirst. Hope understood why most vampires wanted human blood, it was like a shot of adrenaline filling her with new strength.

Animal blood was like junk food, it did fill her but her strength was sluggish.

"Anything else I can get you?" Freya asked.

Hope thought for a moment,"Can I wolf out in the Bayou?"

Freya pursed her lips, wondering if it would be a good idea,"Just... try to stay away from the Crescent wolves."

Hope had never really spent any time with the Crescent wolves, she didn't know much about them either, only that her Mother and her Step-Father were their Co-Alphas. They had the ability to control their shift because Hayley married Jackson Kenner, a ritual that made their hearts mirrored each other, so in a way they shared one heart.

Hope nodded, standing up, going outside. Freya and Keelin lived a couple miles outside the Bayou, so if she shifted right then it would be a straight shot for the trees.

She took a deep breath, feeling the wolf inside of her, turning was like flipping a switch for her. It was as easy as breathing and her transformation was painless unlike most. Even the Crescent wolves transformations needed to break every bone in order to change.

Hope pulled off her clothes, rolling them together and putting an elastic band to keep them together.

Hope let out a relieved breath when she landed on all fours, fully turned. Using her teeth she picked up the clothes and ran to the edge of the Bayou, placing them in a small hole under a tree.

The white wolf took off running, loving the feeling of the Earth beneath her paws. She could just stay like this for the rest of her immortal life. Staying in the forest, not ever having contact with another human, never hurting anybody else.

Her yellow eyes blinked, actually thinking about leaving the human world behind, only surviving through her instincts. Maybe a hundred years from now she could turn back to human and see how much had changed, which of her friends were still alive.

But were they still her friends? She had hurt Alaric, someone who had stood by her side no matter what. Now he might be dead. The thought made her whimper as she slowed her run to a simple walk.

Her family had done something similar, they ran away from Mikael wherever he followed, but she would be running away from the human world. At that moment she tried turning it off again, but once again her emotions stubbornly remained on.

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