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Hope walked into her aunt's house more than a little nervously.

"Hope, where have you been?" Freya demanded, packing a bag full of clothes,"We're taking a... road trip."

"Does it have anything to do with the werewolf that you tried to kill?" Hope asked, making Freya and Keelin freeze,"Yeah, I was there."

"He's not right, whatever he is, he's not supposed to exist here," Freya said.

"That's part of the reason why I went to talk to him--" Hope started.

"You went to talk to him?!" Freya immediately yelled.

"He can't kill me, remember?"


"PROBABLY BECAUSE I KNEW YOU WOULD ACT LIKE THIS!" Hope screamed back, before taking a deep breath and calming down,"He wants to talk to you."

"Why?" Freya asked, crossing her arms.

"He wants to go home," Hope explained,"And I told him you might be able to help him."

"Tell him to take a bus or drive a car," Freya replied.

"He can't," Hope said hesitantly,"He's not exactly from around here. That's the reason why he's a different werewolf."

Time Skip

Freya walked into the diner, looking over the seats til she spotted Stiles waving her over.

Freya hesitated a moment before walking over and taking a seat in front of Stiles.

"Who are you?" She asked immediately, even though Hope had given her the whole story of where he was from, she still couldn't quite believe it herself.

"Well first of all, hi," Stiles said,"Do you guys not have manners anymore or--"

"Who. Are. You?" Freya repeated slowly.

"My name is Stiles Stilinski," He said,"Stiles is just a nickname for Mieczysław, so it kind of makes things easier for everyone."

"Hope said that you were from another universe," Freya stated.

"Yeah," Stiles said,"A place where my kind of werewolf exists," He says, flashing his red eyes,"You want something? I'm gonna order," He said, and he waved over a waitress.

"Stiles," She greeted, sounding more annoyed than surprised,"We already started making your usual."

"Thank you," Stiles said with a smile, as she left he turned back to Freya,"I'm a regular here."

"I'm not sure if there's a way home for you," Freya told him, not fully believing him, but not completely dismissing the idea.

"Well, Hope said that you might be able to help me," Stiles replied.

"'Might'," Freya reminded him,"There's a pretty big difference between can and might."

"Okay," Stiles nodded in understanding,"Just look into it. If you can't find anything I'll leave and never bother any of you again."

Freya looked him in the eyes, only seeing truth and certainty,"I'll need more reassurance than just your word."

"Okay, what do you have in mind?" Stiles asked.

"A covenant spell," Freya said,"A binding oath that you mean no harm to anyone of my family--"

"I'm just gonna stop you right there," Stiles said,"The whole time that I've been here I've only defended myself. So if you're gonna make me swear that I can't fight back then that's not gonna work."

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