Flashlight Old Chapter #2

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Kapri's P.O.V
      Maybe I should have told Charm about my BDSM kink sooner. Not once has she bothered me all week. She probably thinks I'm gonna tear her apart or something. I dont know, and quite frankly I dont care. If it means that I get a break from her smart ass mouth then I'm all for it. Right now I in the break room. I'm on lunch and this sandwich I'm eating bout good as fuck. It was so good that I whispered thr Subway tagline to myself. "Subway. Eat Fresh," "What the fuck. You just keep getting weirder and weirder." I look up to see good old Charm putting her sweatshirt in her locker. I check her out while shes not looking. Even though she just had a shirt and some sweats on now, I couldn't quite make out her body type. It irritates me.

Why? Because I'm weird that's why. Dont ask stupid ass questions.

Charm and her body has always irritated me. She has got this whole stud thing down. From behind you could easily mistake her for a man. She literally hid her body behind baggy t-shirts and sweatpants. Well she wore regular jeans and joggers too but still. Her body was like Where's Waldo but someone photoshopped Waldo out of it. My personal theory is that shes either just chubby or she just thicker than a snicker. I'm inclined to believe the chubby theory more than the thick one. Her graphic tee of choice was almost a perfect match to her chocolate skin. Maybe a shade or two darker. It had a classic Ed Hardy design printed on it. I was so jealous she had a shirt like that, but I will never let her know that shit.

Charm clears her throat rather obnoxiously and I slowly bring my attention to her face, making sure to keep a bored expression on my own. As much as I hate to admit it Charm was just sexy, in the face that is. Her perfect jawline was clenched in annoyance. Her nose scrunched a bit, really highlighting the very subtle freckles across her face. Charm's full and tempting lips fixed into a grimace. When I looked into her brown eyes all I really paid attention to was how long her lashes were.

"Kapri stop eye fucking me." Her smooth voice was laced with casual malice. She sat down across from me and pulled one of her dreadlocks from out her face. "You caught me off guard the other day but I hope you know that you will never bitch me." I take another bite out of my sandwich and mull over her words. "That's what you came here to tell me?" "Well yeah. You was talking all bold earlier so Daddy just had to set things straight." I roll my eyes. In what world would Charm be daddy? Certainly not in mine. "Get bold with me again Kapri and Imma hand ya ass to you."

Now that caught my attention. My head shot up and I just stared at her, keeping eye contact. Part of me wanted to do that thing when you look around and try to see who tf is talking to you like that but I refrained. "Pfft. Okay Lucky Charms," I laughed a bit at my own joke because I thought shit was funny. "Akekeke. Dont play me Kapri-sun you know you want my strap." I really started laughing at that one. Who knew Charm was a comedian. "Your strap? Yeah no. I actually want to cum and not sit there bored for 30 minutes." Charm smacks her lips. "Mmcht. I fuck like a pornstar."  "And I fuck like a deviant." Her jaw drops a bit, and I pick it up for her. Her skin really soft. Leaning forward I cup my hand around her cheek. Charm sits there looking dumb. She seems to not be paying attention to me and I cant have that. So I tug on one her dreads. "Look at me when Im talking to you, okay ma?" Calling Charm 'ma' felt weird to me. And it obviously felt weird to her because she jerked her head away from my hand when I called her that.

"Dont call me ma." Charm said with some intent in her voice. "Or what?" I cocked my head to the side innocently. Charm stood up from her seat. I did too because obviously I want this smoke. Nope I was standing up because I didn't want to be sitting in these hard ass chairs when she pounces on me. Gone break my back. I walk around to where Charm is and stood about 3 ft away from her. "What you gone do ma? I'm right here." See this is what I call a pro gamer move. I'm calling her bluff.

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