Highschool Old Chapters #6

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Raven's P.O.V

I pinky promised my best friends that I won't talk to Wynter and Symir no more. Which surprisingly is #hardashell. You see the Cool Kids(tm) are my source of Highschool entertainment.

Plus they give me leverage. Making the girls and I more popular. Which I'm pretty sure is a good thing according to ALL THE BEST HIGHSCHOOL MOVIES OF ALL TIME.

Except Highschool Musical. I #hate that movie. And I stand by opinion. And it just got worse the more movies and now a TV SHOW???? Why would they do that.

It's already a crappy franchise. I said what I said and I meant every word. The only #goodthingtocomeoutofthat (whew that's a long one) is the Sharpay Evan's movie. A masterpiece of its time.

I mean how could one not love that movie. Dogs, Broadway, um SHARPAY EVANS. One of my gay awakening characters. But it's a shame shes a translucent one. I refuse to date the pale.

"Miss McAvoy!" I jump up in my seat and look around the classroom. Kids were giggling at me cuz I got caught not paying attention. I find I dont like it when people laugh at me. Its #rude.

"Um yes?" "Would you like to join us for class today?" Mr. Tomski sounded waaaaay agitated. What was up with him? Maybe his wife refused to give him head this morning.

"Yeah totes! What are we doing?" My teacher just rolls his eyes and grumbles about paying attention. "Yeah totes!" Perfume as I have come to call her mocks me.

Ugh! Why did I have to sit next this cheap smelling bitch. She always making fun of me for #noreason. "Yeah that's what I said Perfume. Fuck off with that #knockoff Chanel. We all know you got that purse on Santy Alley miss thing."

"Bitch!-" "Uh I prefer bi-otch. And keep talking bad about me. Imma #snitch to Symir and Wynter bout you. And they ain't gone like that, yk their both very fond of me."

"LADIES. Would you please leave your bickering out of my classroom!!" Perfume and I turn away from eachother. My little comeback sure did shut her up.

And what-eva if its not #completelytrue. I'm pretty sure Symir likes me and 80% sure Wynter does. I mean she kissed me. That means something dont it?

And what will a little white lie do? Nada!


"And then I told her I prefer Bi-otch over bitch." I was recalling what had happened in first period to Ellie and Gigi. "Man Perfume stay starting shit."

"We should cut her!" Ellie and I just stared at Gigi. We step back from her, just to be sure we arent about to be shanked. "You dont have that switchblade do you?"

Gigi just smiled creepily at us. Shes looking like a #serialkiller. "No of course not." I totally do not believe her. She dead ass lying to our face.

Ellie gives Gigi that mother look she do. I mean she says PERFECTLY. I be forgetting she not my momma sometimes. I mean its eerily accurate. "Give me the backpack."

When Gigi refuses Ellie just starts wrestling her for the backpack. "Raven help me!" I step back again putting my hands up cuz I dont want to get into this.

"No Raven! Pin her down so I can get it!" I just stand there stiff watching them fight. Idk if getting this switchblade is worth cuz they is #goingatit!

"Imma just #stayoutta this." A small crowd has formed around them. And I'm desperately trying to get them to pass and get away. But OBVIOUSLLLLLYY it ain't working.

People like watching other people fight. It's like in they're nature. "Guys! I think you should get up now! It's not worth it!" I look to my side trying to find a way to stop their scuffle. Instead of the perfect way to stop this I see Chris.

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