1. Go back to sleep
2. Switch positions; then go back to sleep
3. Or take a cold shower
4. Or "take care" of it herself.
5. Wait it out

The going back to sleep option seemed the best in this situation—but she didn't know if she could risk Onika waking up before she did and noticing it.

Then a terrifying thought popped into her mind, "Does she even know I have a.." Beyoncés eyes widened and then slowly turned to the girl who was still silently sleeping.

She couldn't switch positions and then fall back asleep, it posed the same issue plus Onika was on top of her.

She couldn't "take care" of it herself because the last time she tried she couldn't even get hard—not to mention Onika was infact on top of her and in her apartment. She'd feel too guilty to first remove her from her position, just to relieve herself.

Beyoncé sighed, she knew she was going to have to take a cold shower or get up and wait it out and get Onika off of her. But she definitely did enjoy the feeling of the girl ontop of her. It felt so—domestic. Waking up to her.

She frowned thinking about what led to her being ontop of her though—Onika was definitely upset yesterday. And Beyoncé knew it had something to with Safaree and she felt her anger flare again.

She knew he said something foul, something that made her so panicked that she had to call the girl she had previously yelled at for help. Beyoncé was glad—never the less she was half that Onika contacted her.

She suddenly couldn't enjoy the moment as much  anymore, remembering that Onika wasn't there because she wanted to be there.

She directed her attention back to her little friend —she wanted it to go down so she could possibly go back to sleep and eventually ask Onika what happened. If she would even really tell her.

So she stayed wide awake in her bed praying to god Onika didn't wake up. When she finally saw the tent in her sweatshorts go down she let out a sigh of relief.

She then heard a wimper in her ear and she turned slightly and suddenly noticed Onika was shaking. She didn't know what to do.

She could visibly see it and feel it, and she felt a soft grip on her shirt.

Beyoncé never handled someone's else's distress well—she never really knew how to. She heard a mini gasp in her ear before crying into the crook of her neck. 

She gripped Beyonce's shirt tighter as she cried some more. Beyoncé was—lost. She hated knowing Onika wasn't at peace anymore—because she looked so peaceful sleeping.

Beyoncé decided to rub her back to try what her mother often did when she was crying, "Its okay. I'm here." Beyoncé mumbled and it seemed to calm her down, and after a few moments her sobs calmed themselves. And she felt soft breaths again.

Suddenly Onika pulled away slowly, and both of her hands ended up on Beyonces stomach—she was practically straddling her.

She looked worried, she appeared to be looking down at herself and then Beyoncé.

Safarees words rang through her mind, accusing Beyoncé of being a hoe—saying she breaks hearts—and claiming all she wants to do is fuck her.

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