V19 - Chapter 229 Destined Reunion

Start from the beginning

Turning around, Lartia hoped to see that she had lost her pursuers, but to no avail, seeing three centaur's beasts, each having a human riding them. She believed that once she reached NATO-occupied territory, people would help her, but she shortly discovered discrimination against her kind was still commonplace.

Lartia kept running with all her energy while on all fours. All four of her paws were bleeding, aching, and blistered but stopping would result in her death or going back to the slave market.

"Why does no one help me?" She asked herself tearfully. "I thought this place would be different."

Seeing a possible path that led into a forest, giving her the advantage in this chase, Lartia turned right. As she ran up the path, a rock that she stepped on was loose causing her to slip, rolling back down the path and onto the main road.

Feeling every muscle scream in pain, Lartia laid there, catching her breath. That was until she saw three shadows hovering over her.

"No, please," she whimpered, shielding her body with her arms.

The three Oprichnina got off their centaurs. Of the six, a man and centaur approached both laughing. The centaur carried a spear while the man pulled out a sword.

"That's right, cower like a proper Neko that you are," mocked the man.

"So, what should we do with her?" Asked the centaur.

"Well, Katsuo said we can do whatever we want with her. As long as she doesn't talk to NATO." Replied the man. "I always wanted to know just how it feels, the wife of that incompetent Legatus. She must feel nice to snatch up a man of his position. Let us see for ourselves"

"Hey!" Said one of the other men at the back. "Either kill her or take her with us. But we cannot stay here for too long! We are in NATO's territory."

"Well, we can bring her with us if you want." The centaur suggested.

"No, he's right. We don't know if we can cross the river back to our territory while carrying this Neko." The man close to her sighed. "So much for 'having a taste. Well, I will make this quick for you, Neko. Consider it mercy from me because I do not give it away often."

As her mind kept telling her arms and legs to move, her body kept rejecting to do so from being too sore. Unable to stop crying, Lartia covered her eyes, realizing her life was about to come to an end.

Feeling the ground shake, Lartia opened her eyes and saw the man lying on the ground, an arrow had pierced his neck. Confused, she looked up and saw the centaur tense up in a defensive position. Looking past him, she saw the others in fear.

"Shit! Where did that come from?!"

"There! Over there!"

"You two! Get them!"

In the panic, the other two centaurs tossed their spears, but a sudden burst of wind blasted over them, knocking the ranged weapons away.

"They got a siren with them!"

"Damn it! How many of them are there?!"

"It does not matter! Charge!"

The moment after the man barked his order, another arrow hit him right in the chest. As they regrouped and were about to charge, a loud cry was heard before a mysterious figure landed next to the group with long blades.

Unable to tell what was happening, Lartia could hear screaming and clashes of steel. With the thumps of bodies hitting the ground.

A sense of relief began filling her up as her pursuers fell one by one, but the Centaur that stood over her turned to face her once again. Realizing his imminent death, he still planned on completing his mission by raising his spear against her. But before he could strike, a shimmering small ball of light flew forward toward the Centaur. He swatted at the ball as it changed course and darted around his hand as a sharp pain pierced his eyes. He flailed around while holding his face while the shimmering light swarmed his body, slicing and poking wherever it could.

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