Andy wanted to confess to Robert, but she still hadn't found the courage to say what she felt. She had never been in love before. She'd always been with a few guys, but nothing compared to what she felt for Robert.

Robert was feeling the same way too. He was very passionate about his wife, Claire, and was afraid that by getting involved with another woman, he wouldn't be able to feel for her the same way he felt for Claire. But now he was sure that he was in love with Andy and that he didn't want to lose her. He didn't know how they would resolve the distance issue, but Andy was all he wanted for his life.

So, the first to declare himself was Robert.

Robert: Andy, I don't know how to say what I want to say, but I need to say it.

He took a second to find the right words. He still didn't feel ready to tell her about Claire, but he wanted to open his heart to her.

Robert: Before I met you I was sad, with no motivation to live. I can't explain how or why, but since you arrived, I feel different. You colored my life gray. You changed everything. And I think that every day more, I'm falling in love with you.

Andy was touched by Robert's words. She had tried different ways of saying what she felt, but in all of them she thought that she might not be reciprocated. She had tears in her eyes and a passionate smile that made Robert calm down and realize that she was also in love.

Andy: I ​​was trying to find a way to express myself and say how I feel about you. I miss you every day. I want to see you and hear you all the time. But I was afraid of not being reciprocated. I was afraid that by saying what I'm feeling, our friendship might be shaken. Robert, you changed my life too. I never felt for anyone the way I feel for you. And I don't want to put off telling you this anymore: I'm in love with you.

Robert: All I wanted was to be able to touch you, hug you, kiss you.

Andy: Me too. Even though I was with you for only a week, I felt safe every moment I spent by your side. I can still feel your touch, like in those days, because it never left my mind.

Robert: I don't know how we are going to overcome this distance, but today I know that I want you to be a part of my life. I know I want you.

Andy: We'll find a way to get through this.

It was late and they needed to end the call. That night they both dreamed of each other.

From that day on, they decided that they would eat together whenever possible. For Andy it was a little more complicated, as her meals were usually at the station with co-workers or at home with her father. But she always found a way to go to a coffee shop or restaurant so she could video call Robert without risking anyone finding out.

It had been a little over a month since they had declared themselves to each other. Calls alone were no longer enough for them. The desire to be together grew and they needed to find a solution to bridge this distance.

It was impossible for Robert to be away from Montana. Two of his firefighters had been injured in a recent rescue. The team was understaffed and its daily presence was essential. It would be easier for Andy to have a few days off work. She had several extra days accumulated. Her biggest problem going to Montana was what excuse she would use to get out of town. She kept their relationship a secret from everyone. Robert held a title above hers, and that would certainly be trouble for both of them.

Andy was increasingly saddened by not finding a solution to ease the longing they felt. Her co-workers could see that she was different. Sometimes they noticed that she was scattered during casual conversation. Other times she preferred to stay in her dorm alone than with the group in her spare time. Even Pruit was already watching his daughter spend more hours at home than usual.

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