But when things calmed down and almost all lost their interest in knowing more about him lowered, he was feeling somewhat relieved. 

     But when Hoseok suddenly started showing interest in their matter and started passing implicit comments about his relationship with Tae, Jimin was sure that this won't end in a good way.

    And the day Tae told him how Hoseok had come to talk to him in the library, Jimin had decided that he would surely won't let that boy have his way no matter what.

    And he has already decided what has to be done to protect his friendship with Tae. It's not that he is scared of the outcome.

     If his friends ask him to make a choice between them and his soulmate, there is no way he would choose a bunch of selfish people who still claim to be his friends over his precious baby angel. 

     But still he would go for whatever it takes to keep everything a secret. Because he knows how much Tae wants to stay out of the spotlight. That's what Tae has been doing all along. Running away from attention and judgment.

     And if word ever goes out about the newly found relationship between the cold faced cousin of the school president and Hyunjin's most favorite rival, it would draw way too much attention and Jimin wouldn't let that happen when he has the ability to prevent it.

      He was at that time itself way more than sure that there is more to the story of the secret dating between Hoseok and his hyung. If Yoongi wants the relationship to be kept secret, without even letting his own group of friends know about it, there is surely a much more serious reason. 

    He has no idea what it is. But if this could serve as a means of keeping Hoseok in control, then Jimin would surely go for it.

    If it was in the last year, Jimin must have been a little reluctant about it. Because the way Jungkook kept on meddling into the matter was scaring him and Jimin wasn't even sure if Hoseok had told about all he knew to Jungkook instead to his own boyfriend. 

     But since the start of the year, there were occasional clashes between the two boys and Jimin was in fact relieved.

      He has already decided since that day to use their secret to keep his from surfacing. He was still skeptical because he still has no idea about what's going on with Hoseok and Yoongi except the knowledge that one of them was adamant on keeping it a secret despite the other's protest and there is very little much communication between the two.

     But he was also sure that it's not a good idea for letting Yoongi know about all this because that way there is a high chance of Jimin getting unwanted attention and judgment. 

      And maybe that could make Yoongi question Jimin's intention and feelings and moreover he has in the past toyed with Hoseok's feelings just based on this secret.

      So revealing that he knows about both Hoseok and Yoongi's secret would lead to more mess.

     But even if he had any doubt or reluctance to reveal all this to Hoseok or anyone else to keep everything in control, it had all disappeared the moment he heard that annoying voice booming behind them.

     And the moment Jung Hoseok has invited himself into their happy bubble, Jimin knows that there is no going back. And he knew that the only thing that had to be done was to put into motion that decision he had taken long ago.

      And just as he told Tae, things went on much better than all he had thought of. He has been able to make a deal with Hoseok and even made him promise that it would be kept a secret from Yoongi as well.

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