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Another usual day in the cafeteria.

Some of them were awfully quiet lost in their own thoughts and worries while the others conversed among themselves without minding or actually not noticing it.

Jimin sat there not really interested in anything that was being discussed.

Even though he was present there physically, his mind kept on drifting off to his baby.

He was still worried about his best friend who has been getting so worked up recently just because of some certain ravenette who has been keen on making him lose his mind.

For some reason both Yoongi and Hoseok were also quiet. Yoongi has always been not the one who speaks too much. So his quietness was not really noticeable.

But that wasn't the same case with Hoseok. The boy was an active member among the group of friends.

So him being so quiet and moody was something rare. Even though no one actually noticed or questioned him, he was a nervous mess. He kept on fidgeting in his seat as he played with the cup in his hand.

Even though Jimin noticed it, he shrugged it off. He has better things to focus on.

But the distracted ones were easily forced to let go of their own trance with the question Jin shot at his cousin.

" So how is working with Taehyung going?"

Everyone looked at the one who was supposed to answer.

Hobi snapped his head towards his friend baffled by the news. "What?? Why would he work with Taehyung?"

Everyone looked at him puzzled.

" You didn't hear about it? They are partners in the English Project", Namjoon explained to his friend while Jungkook scoffed.

Hobi looked at Jungkook trying to grasp the information, not really pleased with what he heard.

He looked at the blonde who had been looking at the ravenette with an annoyed look.

He honestly has no idea about the situation. It was his first time hearing it. But how did it happen when Taehyung rarely attended his classes? And they are really working together on the project?

But his thoughts were again disrupted.

" So how is he? Are you two working together?"Jin asked with curiosity evident in his voice and face.

Jimin sneered at this. Why are they always after his friend?

He is not really impressed by the atmosphere. Even though he is already irritated with all this, he was actually curious about Jungkook's answer.

Jungkook shrugged. " It's not too bad. We have different preferences. So it was a little bit tough. But it's okay. I can manage", he said in a monotonous tone.

While everyone just nodded and pondered over what to ask next, Jimin was glaring at Jungkook.

Not too bad! Huh?? Really?? Why don't you tell them that you two are always fighting even for the most minute details? And you are always forcing him to make compromises?

But unknown to Jimin, Hobi was watching him.

Jimin was mad at Jungkook for treating Tae like that. He always forces Tae to do things according to his own preference.

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