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" I really wonder what Hyunjin is really thinking", Jimin smiled softly before taking a glance at the other boy who was focused on the road ahead.

Tae looked at him puzzled. " What?"

Jimin smiled. " I mean, does he don't have any problems with you staying out so often?", he asked, making it clear for his puzzled companion. " I mean, you are practically living with me".

Tae pouted. " Are you already tired of me?

Jimin let out a chuckle. " Tired of you?", he shakes his head. "I am ready to spend my whole life with you", he said, his voice full of fondness for the other.

Tae scrunched his eyes, confounded by the sudden confession. " That's..a bit", he drawled, not sure what he is supposed to say now.

" You are really too fond of me. Huh?", he smiled widely, feeling a warm feeling spreading across his body.

Jimin chuckled softly, keeping his gaze on outside the window.

" You are my angel", he said. " Why wouldn't I be fond of you?", he smiled.

Tae was happy to hear Jimin's honest words. He could tell that something is fishy. He glanced at the other skeptic about the whole thing. But he chose not to voice out his confusion.

" You are all I have", the blonde muttered after a few minutes. " I don't know what I would do if I had to let go of you too".

Taes eyes widened hearing the words that left the other's mouth. He kept on glancing at the other, unable to find out what was happening with his friend.

Something is bothering Jimin, Tae now knows for sure. But what has happened? It's so sudden.

Jimin suddenly turned to the red haired.

" Why are you not responding to what I said earlier?", he asked looking at the other.

Tae furrowed his eyebrows questioningly not understanding what the other wants him to respond to.

" Did you ask anything?", he asked, perplexed.

Jimin smiled softly. " Well, I don't even want you to say anything particular. Because I know you won't leave me like everyone else", he muttered under his breath.

" What are you saying chim?", Tae asked as he didn't get to hear what the other just uttered. " I can't hear you", he huffed, while keeping his gaze at the road ahead.

Jimin shakes his head. " It's nothing", he uttered. " But don't forget to drop me at the usual place", he reminded the other not wanting to take any risk right now.

It's already a mess. He doesn't want another regret to be added to the list.

And no way he is going to let anyone know about their relationship and lose the only source of peace for him at the moment.

If it was about regrets, there are a lot for him to regret.

He still regrets not being ready to make a move even when everything was so clear and favourable. And it's that regret which is now eating him up and making him go through all the pain and remorse.

He sighed internally, his mind was restless and this feeling is only worsening with each day.

He glanced at the younger who, unaware of the turmoil going on in his companion's mind, is just humming along with the song playing in the stereo.

He sighed and leaned back on the seat. He is already feeling tired and drained. If possible, he would have stayed back at the home and sulk over his stupid fate.

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