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Tae laid back on his bed staring at the ceiling.

He sighed softly as he hugged his pillow tightly, snuggling into it lazily.

Tae was lost in his thoughts. There are a lot in his mind making him lose his mind again and again whenever he ponders over it a little more than he should. Things are getting out of his control, he could feel it. His life has changed a lot, before he could even comprehend what was happening. And he doesn't know if he should be happy or sad about it.

One way he was actually sad about all the drastic changes. Because everything that happened against his own will and happiness but in fact eventually let him meet his soulmate.

Before he could go further and get himself entangled in the reverie of thoughts, his peaceful solitary confinement was disrupted by a knock on his door.

" Tae baby.. can I come in", a soft voice asked from the other side.

Tae hummed softly hearing the voice, which he was missing terribly while he was in Seoul, but now has again became a part of his life during these two months he was back in his home.

" Yes, mom", he answered immediately, not wanting to waste her time especially when she was getting ready for the office.

It has been a few days since she has started going to the company again after she has started working from home ever since he came from Seoul saying she wants to spend time with her baby.

The door opened to reveal his mom all dressed up to go out he presumed.

" Are you going out?"he asked, wanting to confirm.

She nodded as she stepped into the room.

" Yeah, I'm going to the company. And I would take a while. I hope you wouldn't mind since Dale is coming over".

Tae smiled softly. " It's okay mom. You can go. I don't know if Dale would stay longer though. He got something to do today".

His mom looked at him confused. But didn't question further but instantly smiled when she thought of something else. " Maybe if Dale wouldn't stay longer, you could just visit the company. It would be a little change. Moreover it would be even better for your future", she said enthusiastically, already making plans for the day if he would actually visit the company today. " But only if you want, of course".

Tae sighed softly looking at her. " Maybe. Maybe I do that", he said, trying not to show her his exhaustion. If I'm still in the mood for it", he muttered in silence, not wanting her to actually hear it.

She smiled softly before walking up to him and leaning closer to press a small kiss on his forehead. " Of course baby", she smiled.

" Do whatever you want, just know that I am always there for you".

She ruffled his hair and stood up. " Okay. I'll get going".

Soon she was out and closed the door behind her.

He smiled as he stared at the closed door.

" I love you too mom", he mumbled softly.

Groaning, he covered his face with his palms.

" Pull yourself Tae", he groaned. " One year has passed. And the next one is going to start in a few days. Still you are sulking over things you have no control over".

A lot of time has passed. The study leave ended in the blink of an eye as well as the exams. Now it's the break before another academic year. To be precise his last year in highschool. Even though he didn't see much of a big deal in it as Jimin did, he still doesn't know the reason behind it. Still this year is important as well as crucial in his life.

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