"You are on foot", Beorn continued as I drank more of the milk, he gave me only moments before the conversation topic was brought up. "You will never reach the forest alive", he mentioned making my stomach turn, because he was right the Orcs would have seen us if we were out I'm the open for too long.

"I don't like Dwarvess", The large man began changing the subject. "They're greedy and blind, blind to the lives of those they deem less than their own", he finished, holding a mouse that had been crawling on Dwalin's shoulder. "But Orcs I hate more", he finished off as I smirked slightly at his remark, as I did too. I didn't not like dwarves, but I did hate orcs more than anything I've uncounted, "What do you need?"

*Later that morning*

Beorn gave me a beautiful, strong white horse to use on my journey to Mirkwood. I knew that we had the strength and courage to face everything that came upon us. But even yet with the Dwarves by my side, I knew that whatever was in the forest was not very good.

"Do you think we'll make it alive?", Kili asked as he saddled his own horse, before helping me with my own. Once I was saddled, I rode over to beside Fili as Kili rode on the other side of me.

"There's no telling what will happen", I sighed pulling my horse closer to Kili's as our eyes locked completely. "Let's just hope we don't run into anything cursed", I sighed as he frowned his eyebrows in confusion.

"How do you know?", he exhaled. "What could anything put our lives into danger?", he questioned again as I tilted my head slightly, thinking he was joking when I realised, he wasn't joking I said, "I just know that something, or someone will", I paused, finishing my conversation with Kili looking over to Beorn.

"Are you alright?", Kili asked me before I looked to him forcing a smile to form on my lips. "I'm fine", I inhaled a deep breath before Beorn spoke up.

"Go, now, while you have the light", he paused for a moment. "Your hunters are not far behind", we all reached our destination and Gandalf showed us the way to Mirkwood.


"The Elven Gate", Gandalf stated as we reached the Mirkwood forest. Dismounting our horses. "Here lies our path through Mirkwood", Gandalf looked to all of us.

"No sign of the Orcs", Dwalin stated as I gazed upon the open lands of grass that we had only just travelled on. "We have luck on our side"

"Set the ponies loose", Gandalf shouted. "Let them return to their master", Gandalf demanded as I patted my horse a farewell.

"This forest feels sick", My Uncle looked to the forest, getting an uneasy feeling. "As if a disease lies upon it. Is there no way around?", he was right. It looked dead, the trees were dark and bent instead of how they were described in the stories, tall and beautifully coloured.

"Not unless we got two hundred miles north, or twice that distance south", Gandalf answered my uncle, as he entered the Dark Forest. Then I took my sword, bow, and arrows from the horse and attached it to my body. Then after I sorted me out I helped Kili take the gear off the horse and handed it over to Kili with a small, shy smile.

"Thank you", He muttered without making eye contact with me but instead he was looking at the floor. There was something in his smile. Something that really captivated me. It's like his smiles controlling all of my body. I smiled at him again as he put his belongings in place before grabbing the water from the side of my saddle.

"Any time", As i approached Gandalf and raised my voice, everyone was completely confused about what was going on.

"Not my horse, I need it", I heard Gandalf shout from a few yards away as I frowned my eyebrows again.

"Why", I raised my voice getting closer to Gandalf, everyone completely confused on what was going on.

"You're not leaving us?", Bilbo stated in uttermost fear of Gandalf leaving.

"I would not do this unless I had to", Gandalf exclaimed to all of us. Gandalf stopped and looked up to my Uncle, Bilbo. "You've changed, Bilbo Baggins. You're not the same hobbit as the one who left the shire"

"I was going to tell you", Bilbo started to say btu he paused for a moment. "I-", he exhaled. "I found something in the Goblins tunnels", Bilbo mumbled as I tilted my head slightly, intrigued.

"Found what?", As I approached Gandalf and raised my voice, everyone was completely confused about what was going on once again.

"My courage", Bilbo finished, but my eye caught Bilbo moving his hand away from his pocket. I frowned my eyebrows, almost swearing he was lying but I didn't want to snoop around in someone else's business, especially my Uncles business.

"Good well, that's good", Gandalf paused, "You'll need it", Gandalf began to mount his horse again. "I'll be waiting for you at the overlook, before the slopes of Erebor", Gandalf told Thorin. "Keep the map and key safe. Do not enter that Mountain without me", Gandalf demanded Thorin firmly, "This is not the Greenwood of Old, the very air of the forest is heavy will illusion that will seek to enter your mind and lead you astray.", I looked over to Kili raising an eyebrow, as he exhaled deeply.

"Lead us astray? What does that mean?", Bilbo questioned just as worried as everyone else on this quest.

"You must stay on the path, do not leave it. If you do, you'll never find it again. No matter what my come, stay on the path!", Gandalf shouted as the horse began to gallop off into the distance. Thorin started to walk towards the entrance of the forest.

"Come on, we must reach the Mountain before the sunsets on during day. Let's go, we've got one chance to find the hidden door", Thorin demanded as we all started following Thorin through the gate.

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