chapter Eighteen

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Lorenzo had thought about  catching a flight straight away to Athens but decided against it because it would appear suspicious if he left his newlywed wife to take an impromptu trip out of the country. So he calculated that this was the safest option. To please his wife and also find out what he needed to know in Athens.just Like killing two birds with one stone. It would appease her brother more,enough to gain his trust. And eventually would let him have more freedom around the castle and finally he could get his hands on the records he needed.
The only obstacle was to convince his stubborn wife that this was a romantic getaway and not a business trip. He was slowly realizing how headstrong she was. He ran a hand through his hair in frustration as he laid back in his chair.
                                            *  *  *  *  *
"ýou can’t be serious" zara bit out incredulously.
Lorenzo was trying to get some rest after dropping a bomb on her that afternoon?she thought disbelievingly.
He ordered it out like their honeymoon was a work holiday or some vacation you could chuck aside.
He let out a tired sigh,covering his eyes with an arm draped across his face.
what is it this time,zara?he said wryly.
She shot out of bed abruptly,neglecting the fact that her nightgown was made of sheer fabric and that he could practically see through her dress.But she didnt care.
she needed answers.And that was all that mattered.
you just ordered me to pack my things earlier today and you dont want to talk about it?she asked in disbelief.
He sat up abruptly,startling her.
He folded his arms leaning on the chest board visibly amused.
He watched as her chest heaved with each breath she took,the way her lips pursed deep in thought and the way her eyes glittered with tears.
okay,what do you want to talk about?he asked, humouring her.
Her mouth went dry,she had rehearsed all the things she would say,questions she would ask him when she finally got the chance to but now,it felt like her brain had turned to mush.She cleared her throat to speak and licked her lips but still nothing coherent,at least not enough to form words.
He heaved a sigh.
"Zara, can you please stop all this. You're not a child anymore.You can't keep reading meaning into everything that is being said to're too insensitive for someone that has lived as long as you have. So stop being so immature. "He paused.
"what exactly about having our honeymoon in Athens has got you so worked up? I've already spoken to your brother and has been approved. I even took it through the proper channels, I even went to the council for goodness sakes, "he punctuated. Running a hand through his hair in frustration.
"the fact that you don't discuss it with me first or better yet why is so sudden? "
"the why doesn't matter"he said bluntly.

"there was no indication that we were having a honeymoon whatsoever and some weeks after our wedding, you just abruptly bring up going on a honeymoon so suddenly and that too after I confronted you about your absence"she explained.
"what are you implying? That am cheating on you? "he asked curious.
"well are you? "she blurted out.
He scoffed in disbelief ,brushing off her questions with the wave of a hand.
"were not talking about this anymore"he finalized.
Sliding underneath the covers to go back to sleep but Zara wasn't having it.she was standing in front of him in a split second sending him an accusing glare.
He chuckled but didn't look away. Instead he faced her head on.
"Don't think you can intimidate me with those eyes of yours. You're only but a child compared to me"he mocked.
."Then act your age. You're married for goodness sake! "she burst out.
He was stunned by her retort. He almost smiled. Almost.
Their glaring match continued a few more seconds before a sound of the door interrupted them. Their heads whipped around to the door.
Lorenzo rose from the bed .He took the incentive to allow Zara get properly dressed.
Zara found her night gown robe laid on the couch, she secured the belt on her waist with a tight knit.
"What is it Denna? "she heard Lorenzo say.
Sneering, she went over to the door to see Denna standing outside their door with nothing but a night gown. The distinction of her nipples were prominently evident. Her belt hung loosely around her waist which made the cusps of her largely endowed bosom clung tightly for dear life. Zara accessed Denna from head to toe and couldn't help the obvious horror and agitation at the obviously naked Denna. Zara realized what the plot was.
To seduce her husband!
Zara felt her hands curl into fists at her sides.
"I just wanted to inform you that at the palace there are no rules. We're all our brother's keeper here. We 'share'. "Denna said slyly. She emphasized the last part by glaring straight at Zara who stood beside Lorenzo her arms folded across her chest with an impatient glare.
Zara scoffed in reply.
"well, thank you for the offer Denna but I think am happy enjoying the gift I've been given and I wouldn't want to taint that. "he replied looking down at the look of surprise on zara plastering on a wide smile.

Denna was livid. Zara watched Denna's face grow pink with embarrassment and then boiling red in anger. She could barely contain her laughter. She has tingly readjusted the knot on her waist, tying the robe a little tighter than normal for effect. With one last glare, she stormed out.
As soon as they got back into the room, they erupted in fits of laughter. They didn't know how long they stayed like that. Lorenzo watched the way her head fell back in laughter, he admired the soft curve of her slender neck as she threw back been long luscious raven-couloured hair to let out a soft,rich chuckle. She was beautiful. He thought mesmerized.
Unable to resist, he pulled her to his chest and pressed his lips on her. She stood still in shock for a second before leaning into the kiss. Letting his tongue slip into her mouth.
They stayed like that for a while which felt like eons. In the midst of passion, Lorenzo slid his hand down her waist down into the hem of her night gown. He slid his hand further upwards until he felt the lace panties he felt she had on.
He pulled apart form the kiss, his chest heaving. He stared into her eyes questioning her, waiting for her permission. He let out a sigh of relief when she agreed with a gentle nod of her head. Getting the go ahead he needed, he claimed his lips on hers, tracing the waistband of her panties. Tracing her, rearing her in.
She moaned as he slid a finger into her panties so close to her skin,then a memory hit him hard. He winced in pain, stumbling backwards. Tripping over an invisible line, he fell.
Zara was by his side, helping him up, he scanned her face. She had worrying lines on her forehead.Her lips swollen and bruised from his descent assault on them.
His face conceited in disgust  almost immediately at his lack of control.
He shrugged off the placating hand she had placed on his shoulder as if it burned at the touch. He pulled back to pit distance between them.
He saw a flash of hurt in her eyes.
"what's wrong? "she asked softly taking a step towards him and he took a step back.
"This shouldn't have happened"he recited softly. Avoiding her gaze.
He took furthers steps back as he said the words.
Zara paused in her tracks, bowing her head in shame.
"it was a mistake". He continued.
Continually driving a knife verbally into her heart. Not enough to kill her but enough to injure her over and over again repeatedly.
She nodded in acknowledgement.
"okay"and headed for the bathroom door. Pausing at the door to catch her breath.
She closed the door with a bang.
He slumped back as soon as the door was bolted.
"What was that memory? "he thought confused.
He scratched his head vigorously groaning in frustration as he stared after Zara.
What had he gone and done now?! He chastised himself inwardly groaning.
He had to get to the bottom of this and fast unless he would end up hurting both her and himself. He had to stop his uncontrolled tendencies that made him loose his sanity everytime she was near him. Unless it would become an even bigger problem in the future And he knew. In this line of business that he had gotten himself into, he couldn't afford to have and weaknesses. Especially if it was a very tempting temptress that tended to make him throw all his inhibitions out the window and his libido into overdrive.

Sorry for the long wait💞
Please leave your comments and feedback it will be greatly appreciated.

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