chapter twelve

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She blushed as his gaze collided with hers.
"For what? "he sent her a confused frown.
"For..."she thought long and hard for what to say.
"...For agreeing to marry me. "she said and avoided his curious gaze. He couldn't help but admire her innocence and beauty but he knew that those were decieving ,so he spoke off the spell a snapping back to his senses. He looked around the room distracted, then found all eyes were strained on him. .
"Do you take princess Zara to be your lawfully wedded wife? The officiating priest repeated with wide smile on his face.
He paused in thought. Then after what felt like ages he answered.
"Yes I do"he said signing his death warrant.
                                       *    *    *    *    *
The night was still young, thought Zara giddy as she sat next to her newly wedded husband. Never in s million years would she have ever imagined such kind of coincidence. The ceremony was at its end. All that was left was for her brother to address the audience, to give the opening speech. He rose in his seat.
"Thank you to all who came to witness this wonderful union and we hope that this alliance will prove beneficial to us in the future. There were murmurs from the crowd but everyone seemed to agree with what he had said.
Human waitress walked around to each table, slit their wrists and let it twinkle into the glasses of all those at the table then they walked away. Her brother raised his glass
"Let give a toast to my sister's  wedding. I wish her a  lovely married home. Let us all drink and be merry. "the crowd cheered and they clicked their glasses with the people around their table before taking a sip of their drink.
After all was said and done, the crowd dispersed.
They all had to retire to their chambers.
They entered the romantically decorated dimly lit room filled with rose petals and lavender. She looked shyly.
'They didn't have to go to all these lengths'thought Zara shyly.
She jumped when Lorenzo came up behind her, his lips only a hair breath away.
She could feel his breathing on her neck.
"Are you happy now? "he whispered.Her face wrinkled in confusion but smiled and nodded her head.
"Good"he whispered again.
Then crossed from behind her, to stand in front of her. She watched as he unbuttoned his shirt one by one slowly. He took off his suit and his shirt came next She took one huge forceful gulp.
She closed her eyes as he took one menacing step forward. Not wanting to seemed weak in front of him,she stood her ground. The anticipation in her built up to a crescendo. But a second went by, two seconds, she opened her eyes just in time seeing he trudging to the bathroom. He got in,leaving her standing there bewildered.
Some painfully long minutes later, he strode out if the bathroom. He headed straight to bed. Pausing only when he saw Zara sitting on the bed waiting. He took the path for the opposite direction of the bed, completely ignoring her.
She was dumbstruck for a few short seconds than she got up and stomped into the bathroom.
When she had finally felt relaxed, she exited the shower clad a purple sheer night gown, she waited for any kind of response from him but he didn't even pay any attention to her. So Saturday on the other side of the bed thinking long and hard of what to say.
But found the excuse, so she lead with the obvious question,
"Why don't you want to touch me? "she asked softly.
"Because am tired"he croaked out and turned to face her. He watched her for a few seconds before heaving a resigned sigh.
"Look, we can pick this up tomorrow but right now, I need sleep. It's been a very long day. "she told him tiredly. She tried to protest but he was already turning away from her to the other side of the bed.
Then a thought struck her.
If he wasn't going to imitate their wedding night, then she would. With renewed drive, she opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by the banging on the door.
"where the heel is that good for nothing princess?! "Zara recognized the frantic voice on the other side to belong to Denna.
She smiled maliciously as she realized that Denna had just now gotten her gift which Zara has so kindly left in her room.
Lorenzo stood and headed for the door, his lips pursed in irritation.
"Calm down "she heard Lorenzo say just as she donned on her night robe.To make appear more presentable.
She headed for the door, ducking under Lorenzo right arm which he used to hold the door agape.
"Not until she gets out here!"Denna shrieked before she saw Zara's head pop up form underneath Lorenzo's arm.
"What is it Denna? "she let out a bored sigh. Folding her arms across her chest.
"You witch! "she shrieked witha trace of venom in her voice.
She raised her hand to slap her but was intercepted mid air by Zara's hand.
"Am sure you know that witches live at the far end of town so if you would like to speak to me, speak to me with respect. "Zara warned. Pinning her with a glare,she flung Denna hand downwards.
Just them her brother arrives at the scene,looking haggard and sleep-deprived. Zara felt guilty for interrupting her brother's well earned sleep for 'this'.An issue that could have been resolved amicably had Denna not being such a drama queen. She thought rolling her eyes.
"What is Denna? "her brother said sighing tiredly.
"why don't you ask your beloved sister? "Denna replied.sending a glare Zara's direction.
All eyes turned to her and she took steps back in retreat with her hands up the air until ,her back hit against a olid wall of muscle,Lorenzo's.
She raised her head defiantly with as much strength as she could muster
"maybe if you tell me what exactly I did then we can discuss it? "she said smiling invitingly.
"what do you mean discuss,there's nothing to be discussed!"Denna shrieked in outrage.
Zara quickly masked the triumphant smile that crept up on her face.
"Then tell us what the problem is? "Zara challenged.
"You killed Camille! "she burst out.
Everyone gasped in shock. She turned her head to see all the servants lurking around were wide eyed and had their mouth agape as well.
She cursed inwardly. She underestimated Denna and her Wickedness. She thought thought grimly.
"Who's Camille? "her brother asked,his face turned to a confused frown. Meanwhile,Lorenzo just stood there saying nothing but watching the scene undfold before his eyes. His suspicions about the princess were confirmed.
"Camille is my newly hired staff and I found her bloodied and half dead at my doorstep. The last thing she said was Zara who killed her. "Denna all too eager to narrate.
Zara gaze flew up to meet hers and found a hint of a mile playing on her traitorous lips.
there was no way the new help would know who she was because she hadn't been through orientation yet and Zara was very meticulous about not revealing her identity even when she saw the woman breath her last. Either Denna was lying or she had been misinformed about the orientation process of the servants.she thought back to the source of that information and knew that there no way that that could happen. Louis could never be wrong about anything especially regarding the palace. So that leaves Denna who she invariably knew was lying just to get attention and to put her in trouble.
"Answer me, Zara"Her brother's voice brought her out of her internal musings.
He gripped her tightly by the arms and shake her shoulders rattling her.
"Did you kill Camille? "her brother repeated.
"Yes I did"she admitted.
Her brother abruptly released her and she stumbled backwards Lorenzo took a step back,feeling abandoned and cold,she looked up to her brother to see the strain of anger on his face.He ran his hand through his hair in frustration and exploded.
"How many times have I told you to stay out of trouble Zara?!"He shouted.
She jerked in shock.
Unconsciously, she recoiled backwards only to find out that Lorenzo had backed up a few inches more away from her leaving her standing awkwardly empty and cold.
"But brother, You were hurting and I just wanted to help... "she defended. She was cut off by her brother bitter laugh.
"Help,help,you call this help Zara You think you're helping me but you always manage to make everything worse! "he said in anger.
From the corner of her eyes, she saw Denna smirking triumphantly before masking her features to look like she was to be pitied. Zara folded her hands by her sides into fists.
Zara turned to glare up at her brother, irritated now,he needed to hear her out as well just as she stood there listening to his attacks. She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off when her brother spoke 
"just when I thought you were mature, you go and do this.. "he let out a bitter smile.
"I should have known better. "he paused, he looked like he was in pain.she tried to speak but then his next words paralyzed her.
"Am disappointed in you Zara. "she said sadly. Zara froze even after her brother had walked out, Denna had skittered out and the servants had all diapered. She was still standing there, dumbstruck.


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