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''If this dress gets any tighter, I think am going to lose my patience 'she said in annoyance and winced in pain when her head designer, Louis tighten the bodice of her vintage grey flowing gown. It had puffy sleeves and a low neckline to enhance her bust area.
She grimaced at her reflection in the mirror, her hair was a mess popped with pins and clips which resulted in a ragged clump of curls on her head.
This was definitely not her; it wasn't her style. She was more of a 'jeans' kind of girl. And guns. Lots and lots of guns. Although she didn't necessarily need them but she found it was a very useful accessory. Joining the warrior team was one of the best decision of her life even though the opposition towards that decision was enough to warrant a concern but she didn't really care what other people thought about her because she knew that only those that really knew would support her.
"My lady, you have to look enchanting for the ball tonight."
Louis spoke from behind her dress breaking through her reverie. He mumbled a few other words she didn't get because he had a pin in between his lips.
She rolled her eyes.
"If you could just hold still...''he grunted as he dragged the back of the dress tighter before inserting a pin to hold it together. She sucked in all the remaining air that was in her lungs. She couldn't breathe.
''too...tight. I can't breathe' 'she cried, her eyes were red as she felt all the oxygen being sucked out of her.
Louis rolled his eyes.
''Oh come off it honey, you look good. Take a look' 'he urged.
She obeyed reluctantly. She paused.
She 'did' look good.
She turned to the side to inspect and she saw how snug her figure looked.
''If you can't handle this dress then what would you do when you try on your birthday gown in two weeks? 'Louis asked.
She gave a defeated sigh.
''I don't even want to think about my birthday. Everyone has just turned my birthday into one big festive occasion. Even my brother can't do anything about it and he's the king 'she cried in outrage.
Louis retracted back to admire his work form behind smiling contentedly. He didn't seem to notice the strain in her voice.
Zara turned to get off the pedestal but stopped in her tracks when her brother walked in trailing in with his five most trusted guards. Louis bowed in recognition and retracted to a corner at the back of the room.

She pouted and stood crossed armed and avoiding his gaze. She was still annoyed with him for not disregarding her request to discontinue the festivities that was being planned on her birthday.
His deep rich voice spoke out in appreciation,
''little sister, you look absolutely stunning. The whole court is going to worship you tonight. Especially once they see how good you look. 'he walked round her to inspect her outfit and he voiced his appreciation.
He gave a resigned sigh when she still didn't respond.
''Are you still mad about your birthday ball? ''he asked, she could hear the strain in his voice. She felt sorry for troubling him more. He sounded tired but she had to stand her ground.
So she raised her head defiantly and looked away. She wanted to add folding her hands to the whole act but she was incapable at the moment due to the contraption called the sleeves on this deathtrap, she thought.
Her brother sighed then finally gave in,
''what is it you want then? 'he asked, massaging his aching temples with the tips of his two fingers.
She grinned from ear to ear in triumph.
She couldn't contain her excitement.
''brother there's actually something I want you to do for me''she replied.
She jumped down the pedestal, excitedly. She heard a pin popped but she couldn't be bothered about it much to the dismay of from the wide mouthed louis standing at the end of the room.
''I would like a simple dinner just the both of us just like old times, you can even bring Helen if you wished.''she said
The look of surprise on her brother's face was comical. She watched him squirm uncomfortably from side to side glancing back and forth from the stone faced guards standing by his side.
She smiled at his reaction. Her brother was one who neve r liked public displays of affection. He was too strict for that but he had his good moments like when he was being overly protective of her.
Helen was a court maid who he's been having an affair with for some time now. Although he had been keeping it secret, it was well noticeably to other people especially to her.
She pitied for the poor girl because she was human and her obvious weight loss visibly explained all the rigors she had to undergo when she was with her brother. Not that she didn't have a choice in the matter. She couldn't refuse even though she wanted to. He was the king after all and last time she checked his powers of persuasion was very mush still effective.
Zara feared for the girl's life but she knew that her brother had a fondness for the human being and she couldn't much get in his way.
She opened her mouth her mouth to speak but was silenced when her drew closer to her and placed a soft chaste kiss on her forehead, he enveloped her in a broad hug
''am so sorry sister, you know if it were up to me, I would have granted your request a long time ago but...''he paused.
Breaking the embrace, he looked down into her eyes
'''s not up to me now. The elders have made their decision and it would be wrong for me to undermine their decision.''he finished.
Her shoulders dropped in disappointment. Her face turned solemn.
''you are the princess of our clan. You need to comply with the rules laid down for us to follow. It was put there for a reason. Besides, it will be good for you.''he said trying to sound as cheerful as he could.
Her head perked up, she waited for him to say something else
'''ll be wedded on that day. Maybe it's just the thing that would help put away your ...overzealous tendencies'' her shoulders sagged even more.
She heard her brother chuckle then he turned to leave but not without addressing the dumbfounded designer at the corner.
He straightened up as soon as the king addressed him.
''louis, please see to it that my sister is taken care of.'' louis nodded and postulated as the king with one more sweeping glance at his solemn faced sister he strode out the room with his guards trailing right behind him.
Brought out of her reverie, Zara sagged her shoulders even as she obeyed Louis every word for him to properly adjust her dress.
'what am I going to do? 'she thought.

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